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Tag: Assemblea pre-capitolare

Pre-Chapter Assembly CIMAC

(Mexico, Antilles, and Central America). On 15 February  2021, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Interprovincial Conference of Mexico, Antilles, and Central America - CIMAC...

Pre-Chapter Assembly CINAB

(South America). On 2 February  2021, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Interprovincial Conference of Bolivarian Nations - CINAB was held online to share in-depth...

Pre-chapter Assembly CICSAL

(Latin America). On 13 February  2021, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Interprovincial Conference of Cono South of Latin America - CICSAL was held online....

Pre-Chapter Assembly PCI

(India). “A long journey begins with a single step”! The preparation of GCXXIV is the journey undertaken in small steps to awaken the vocational...

Pre-Chapter Assembly CIB

(Brazil). On 16 January  2021, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Interprovincial Conference of Brazil - CIB was held online. The Provincials and Provincial Delegates...

CIAM – Pre-Chapter Assembly

(Africa and Madagascar). On 27 January 2021, the Interprovincial Conference of Africa and Madagascar (CIAM) held the pre-chapter assembly online. The Provincials and Provincial...

“Provocations, signs of the Spirit, lines of action”

(Middle East-Europa). On 3 February  2021, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Middle East Europe Interprovincial Conference was held online. From 20 Provinces, two Preprovinces, and...

Pre-Chapter Assembly CIAO

(East Asia). From 23 to 26 January 2021, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Interprovincial Conference of East Asia - CIAO was held online. The...

Pre-Chapter Assembly RCG

On November 1-2, 2019 at Rome, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Generalate of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians took place.

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