Tam Ha (Vietnam). The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the Communities of  Mary Help of Christians Province (VTN), in collaboration with the Dioceses and Groups of the Salesian Family, are committed to bringing aid to the population affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, in particular the poor and unemployed who lack the necessary food and goods.

In the various realities, together with Eucharistic adoration and prayer for the suffering brothers and sisters, the FMA carry out relief initiatives to reach people in difficulty, with the support of charitable associations, religious, benefactors, collaborators, and young people

About 6,000 packages with food and basic necessities were prepared for distribution to people in quarantine, families, migrants, and the poor. Many of them are elderly, lonely, disabled and sick people who cannot work, or street vendors who cannot support themselves.

The FMA organized the distribution of food resources, unloading food from vehicles, dividing it, and preparing it in packages so that volunteers can deliver them, reaching even the most isolated areas.

They also try to helpful support to teachers, staff, and workers in Nursery Schools, Schools, and Vocational Training Centers of some communities in the province.

In the difficult situation of the pandemic, the FMA continue to experience the provident Love of God the Father, who does not fail to bring concrete support and help through the solidarity and generosity of the people, giving the possibility to share what one has with those in need.


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