Bogotá (Colombia) with the Covid-19 Pandemic and the obligatory isolation, the poorest and most vulnerable people find themselves in extreme situations of hunger and indigence.  It deals with those who collect the garbage in the city of Bogotá, and who have been blocked in the courtyards where they were.

Rifugi senza tetto Bogotà (CBC)

The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the Provincial Community of Our Lady of the Snow Province (CBC) visited them in the places where they had temporarily fled, in the one of the most important avenues in the heart of the city.  The sisters spoke with them and listened to their stories.  They live outdoors all day.  In the afternoon and evening, they dedicate themselves to the collection and division of garbage, and at night they sleep in improvised shelters made of cardboard and plastic.

In the Urbi et Orbi Easter 2020 Message, Pope Francis said: “This is not the time of indifference, because the whole world is suffering and must find itself united in facing the pandemic. May the Risen Jesus give hope to all the poor, to those who live in the peripheries, to refugees, and to the homeless. Don’t let these weaker brothers and sisters, who populate the cities and suburbs of every part of the world, be left alone. Do not let the basic necessities be lacking for them, which are more difficult to find now that many activities are closed, as well as medicines and, above all, the possibility of adequate health care”.

Colozione a senza tetto Bogotà (CBC)

The FMA of the Provincial House of Bogotá thought of finding a way to alleviate hunger for these people. With the commitment to fasting by the whole Community, and the support of some Benefactors, on 12 June 2020 they launched a solidarity project to meet the hunger and needy situation and to restore their dignity. As a first gesture, they offered everyone breakfast and are identifying other needs to be addressed through new projects for the benefit of families, especially children.


  1. Felicitaciones, la solidaridad es una forma de responder a las necesidades de tantas personas que carecen de lo necesario , es una forma de vivir el Evangelio “Bienaventurados los misericordiosos porque ellos alcanzaran misericordia”
    Dios las bendiga


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