Brescia (Italy). On 23 October 2021 at Brescia, in Lombardy, the Association Carlo Marchini Onlus, dedicated to supporting children in Brazil, will bestow the Carlo Marchini Award, established in 2019 in favor of Brazilian missionaries close to the Salesian Family, “in recognition of the precious work they have done, which bears witness to the commitment of the Church for the promotion of poorest.”

The award will go to Sr. Jane Maria da Silva, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians of the Brazilian Province of Mother Mazzarello (BMM), Director of the Daily Oratory Mother Maddalena Morano in Barbacena, in Minas Gerais. At the center of the pastoral action of Sr. Jane there are the children, their formation and the formation of educators, with the deep conviction that the full development of every child and young person is achieved thanks to the coexistence of the family of origin and of a welcoming social and spiritual community.

The mission of Sr.  Jane

Mother Maddalena Morano Oratory was founded by the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians on 24 January  1994, with the aim of assisting children and adolescents in situations of vulnerability and personal and social risk.

All projects, actions, and activities aim to contribute to the integral growth of children and adolescents, so that they may build bonds capable of developing autonomy and protagonism, and have prospects for a committed life in society, developing the ability to contribute to its transformation.

Every day, from Monday to Friday, 180 children and young people are assisted, aged 6 to 14, with their respective families of about 150. Being involved in their life and that of the families allows the FMA, educators/women, and volunteers to accompany them in their real needs and to promote them, so that they strengthen the sense of belonging to the community and to society.

One of the challenges in working in the Oratory is to awaken in the younger generations the ability to dream, to broaden their vision, to perceive other possible realities and commit themselves to achieving their goals.

The Social-Educational Pastoral Project carried out aims to help children open up to the transcendent and to the experience of human and Christian values, preventing events of social risk and strengthening family and community coexistence.

The mission of the Daily Oratory Mother Maddalena Morano, inserted in the Salesian Network of Social Works of Brazil,  is carried out with the contribution of partners, including the Carlo Marchini Association, to walk together with children and adolescents according to the Salesian pedagogy of the Preventive System of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello, to build a more human and fraternal, just and united society.


  1. Felicitaciones por esta bella obra,pienso que refleja la sinodalidad y el compromiso con los más pobres,que el Señor las bendiga.

  2. Auguri! Che bella e sono molto contenta a vederti. Abbiamo perso i contatti ed è da tanto che non ci sentiamo. Sono così felice anche che tu abbia preso parte al Capitolo Generale. Stai al sicuro e assicurati delle mie preghiere.

  3. Parabéns irmã Jane e leigos educadores pelo lindo trabalho através de projetos junto aos meninos e meninas mais necessitados. Dom Bosco e Madre Mazzarello abençoam a Obra com este prêmio que acabam de receber. Maria Auxiliadora mantem as crianças e os educadores sob seu manto maternal para que o bem continue sendo feito.

  4. Qué bello! querida sor Jane María… me alegro por ti…. felicidades! continua con tu pasión misionera entre los niños y jóvenes…..

  5. Siamo felici di aver contribuito alla realizzazione a Barbacena di questo meraviglioso progetto realizzato nel 1994 dalla Associazione Carlo Marchini con Suor Nazareth e suor Maria Americo Rolim

  6. Parabéns Ir. Jane, pelo belíssimo trabalho com as crianças e jovens mais necessitados(as). Deus continue abençoando essa linda obra social.


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