Rome (Italy) On 3 February 2020, the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sr. Yvonne Reungoat, communicated the destination of the 10 FMA new-missionaries to the Generalate Community.

The new-missionaries who come from 10 Provinces and 3 Continents, knew of their destination at the end of a time of discernment and prayer, lived from 22 December 2019 to 2 February 2020 with the accompaniment of the Councilor for the Missions, Sr. Alaíde Deretti.

Before announcing the destination of the New Missionaries at her encounter with the community, Mother Yvonne said,

“Since the beginning of the Institute, the missionary dimension has been very strong because it is part of the proclamation of the Kingdom, part of the apostolic passion of the Da Mihi Animas Cetera Tolle, of the fire that the Spirit enkindled in the heart of Don Bosco and of Mother Mazzarello, ‘I entrust them to you’, of bringing the good news of the Kingdom, the Good News of the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  The missionary spirit is this breath of the Spirit within us that leads us to manifest, communicate the presence of the Lord.”

 The destination of the new-missionaries:

  1. Maricoy Natalia Verónica (ABB)

Chaco Paraguay – Province of St. Raphael Archangel (PAR)

  1. Sr. Ángel Perea Eblin Yannesi (CMM)

São Marcos (Itinerancy project among Indigenous people) – Province of O. L. of Peace (BCB)

  1. Boeno Miranda Adriana (BPA)

Mongolia  – Province of  Morning Star (KOR)

  1. Vaz Lavita (INB)

Ethiopia/Sudan/South Sudan – Preprovince of  Mary Help of Christians (AES)

  1. De la Cruz Vila Nery (PER)

Syria-Damascus – Province of Jesus Adolescent (MOR)

  1. Jaramillo Campoverde Jimena A. (ECU)

Venezuela (Amazon) – Province of St. John Bosco (VEN)

  1. Duarte Ojeda María Dora (CAR)

Ethiopia/Sudan/South Sudan – Preprovince of Mary Help of Christians (AES)

  1. Ma Christina (CMY)

Patagonia  – Province of  St. Francis of Sales (ABA)

  1. Jurado Mercedes (SPA)

Cuba  – Province of  St. Joseph (ANT)

  1. Pereira Jaqueline (BMA)

Angola– Queen of Peace Preprovince (ANG)

Sr. Alaíde Deretti, while thanking each new-missionary for her generous yes and her Province of origin, took up the words of Mother Yvonne Reungoat in her Circular of Convocation of GCXXIV: The Missionary dimension is an essential element of the identity of the Institute (Cf. C 75), that is found again in the words of Pope Francis ‘I am a mission on this earth, this is the reason I am in this world,’ with the wish that we can all truly be ‘missionaries who generate life in the heart of contemporaneity’.

The news of the Missionary Mandate in the year of General Chapter XXIV and in the Triennium of preparation for the 150th anniversary of the Foundation of the Institute, is an invitation for each FMA to make the missionary imprint that was given to us in heritage by Don Bosco grow in the light of the word, “Do whatever He tells you” (Jn. 2: 5) to bring Jesus to the young people of the world.


  1. Queridas, espero que o corona vírus não impeça ninguém de chegar à sua missão, peguemos a pedra da oração e façamos o que fez David contra aquele gigante que caiu mesmo.
    Contem com a nossa oração
    Que Maria ponha a sua mão na frente. Juntas podemos
    Grande abraço
    Ir. Graça

  2. Queridas Neo Missionárias, Parabéns!
    Porque Deus as chamou e vocês responderam: ENVIA-ME, SENHOR.
    Eu tambémsou missionária em Angola a 36 anos. E posso dizer que sou feliz porque Deus me chamou, me enviou e eu gozo da sua presença na nossa Missão. Ele cuida bem de quem envia.
    Felicidades! Força! Sempre alegres!
    Grande abraço, Ir. Graça

  3. Alegro-me profundamente com as Neo-missionárias, um dom para a Igreja, para o Instituto, para as comunidades que as acolherão. Asseguro-lhes, queridas irmãs, minhas orações para que o espírito missionários das origens sirva-lhes de permanente motivação para uma entrega incondicional de suas vidas aos jovens, na realidade onde cada uma está sendo enviada. Levem alegria, leveza nas relações comunitárias, paixão educativa e, sobretudo, o testemunho de uma vocação feliz porque ancorada no amor de Deus e sustentada pela ternura de nossa Mãe Auxiliadora. Um abraço!


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