Rome (Italy). The journey of reflection and study of the three nuclei of the chapter theme continues to engage the Chapter members, gathered in Rome for the XXIV General Chapter.

And the Word of God is still the heart of every day, the sayings and actions that the guests at the Wedding at Cana arouse, are light in the search together and in discerning daily choices and responses of life and faith in the heart of contemporaneity.

Sr. Marta Riccioli, Provincial of the Argentine Province of St. Francis Xavier (ABB), introduces the theme of the 2nd Synodal Communities Nucleus “Synodal style as in Mornese” (Jn 2: 3-109).

After having retraced in the biblical text the dynamics of the actions of Mary and Jesus, she invites the Chapter members “to build inclusive communities, interwoven with intergenerational, intercultural, and even inter-congregational relations. In their diversity, these relationships  are a precious opportunity to exercise the pedagogy of welcoming and listening, which always favors the appreciation of the diverse as richness”.

She dwells on Mary’s attitude at Cana, highlighting proximity and closeness. “Mary promotes loving relationships through contact and dialogue, she awakens life as caring and interdependence. She generates an environment of interaction, of communication; her word open to dialogue is the beginning and the invitation to change the situation. She makes sure that all the characters interact in a network of bonds, which generates a serene and cheerful atmosphere that you can breathe and enjoy. Maìn, in Mornese, generates this unique family spirit, which becomes a paradigm, model, and a ‘new lifestyle’, capable of including all the members of the community”.

After a period of personal study, the Chapter members are called to weave networks of animation in synodality, to confront and dialogue within the Commissions and Sub-commissions. At the time of the assembly, summaries of the work are presented, followed by an in-depth dialogue and sharing of experiences aimed at strengthening the sense of being a synodal community on the way.

“Being synodal communities means revitalizing the journeys in progress and opening oneself to the newness of the Spirit. The challenge is to be able to create synergy, networks of relationships of reciprocity and co-responsibility in the context of the Salesian spirituality and mission. This will help to build an evangelical and charismatic future permeated with a family spirit, which is the basic climate in which the Mornese charism is expressed”.



  1. Desde México nos unimos en oración para que cada FMA nos abramos con sencillez, alegría y generosidad a las novedades del Espíritu, revitalicemos nuestro SI a la vocación que hemos recibido y como en Mornes sigamos viviendo la sinodalidad en el aquí y ahora.
    Hermanas capitulares dejen que el Espíritu Santo se mueva en ustedes.
    Ya desde ahora agradecemos el SI de nuestra próxima Madre General.

  2. Muchas gracias por estas palabras que nos animan a vivir la sinodalidad con la frescura mornesina que siempre nos hace mucho bien!

  3. Somos convidadas a sermos comunidades SINODAIS Queremos estar aberta atenta disponíveis no Espirito de Mornese e no Hoje da nossa historia que nos desafia diante de tantos apelos ,,,,,

  4. Obrigada pelo muito trabalho de todas as Capitulares.Maravilhosas as palavras que traduzidas em fatos nossas Comunidades são testemunhas evangelicas. Que tenhamos a coragem de ser coerentes. Orações para cada uma.


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