Rome (Italy). On 24 February 2024, at 14:30 (Italian time) held, in live streaming, was the 2nd edition of CommTalkS, the initiative of the Communication Sector of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians with formative videos, usable also for animation in the communities, which aim to create a shared vision of the culture of communication, despite the diversity of expressions.

After the 1st introductory CommTalkS with the words of Mother Chiara Cazzuola, who defined communication as a fundamental dimension of the life and mission of the FMA, founded on the relationship “that reaches everyone and tries not to neglect anyone,” in the second episode of CommTalkS, young people are the protagonists.

The Coordinators of Communication of the Provinces of the world have in fact proposed to the young people of their own realities the reading of the Synthesis Report of the 1st Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, focusing on the youth dimension. They urged them to formulate the questions that they have within the respective themes that challenged them, according to the context in which they live.

“Young people’s questions on the Synod” is therefore the title of this CommTalkS. The Mother Emeritus of the FMA Institute, Sister Yvonne Reungoat, participant in the Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of October 2023 as “expert facilitator” will be the one to answer the many questions that have come from all over the world.

The webinars are aimed at all Educating Communities and those interested, in particular young people, and can be followed in Italian in live streaming via the Institute’s YouTube channel and in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, via Zoom:ù
Meeting ID: 837 6155 9555
Passcode: 900103


  1. Gracias al Centro del Instituto por estos Webinars que van a estar disponible para ayudar en la parte formativa de las hermanas y los jóvenes.


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