Rome (Italy). On 19 and 20 September 2021, Mother and the General Councilors present the Report on the life and mission of the FMA Institute, for the 2014-2020 sexennium.

The Chapter members welcome with openness and docile listening, the journey of the FMA Institute in the Church over the seven years, with the steps taken, the processes underway and to be strengthened, the challenges of contemporaneity, and the traces of the future.

The text of the Report is divided into a general introduction that allows us to perceive the horizon of the chapter theme “Do whatever he tells you”(Jn 2:5). Generative communities in the heart of contemporaneity”, a word that has guided the journey of local and provincial communities in the in-depth study of the various aspects of the theme.

It goes on to indicate the presence of the FMA in the world, both from a numerical and geographical point of view, and from the educational works and activities. It then presents the horizons of animation and government of Mother, of the Vicar, and of her Council on the horizon of the paths asked for by GC XXIII.

The life of the Communities/Provinces is highlighted as perceived by the Visiting Councilors, followed by a chapter on the Secretariat and the General Archives.

Finally, the Report offers a gaze on the future by proposing some traces of the journey for the FMA Institute starting from the Icon of the Wedding at Cana, experiencing the presence of Mary in the life of the Church and of the Institute.

The six-year journey is enriched by the Documents of the Magisterium of Pope Francis, by  charismatic and ecclesial ones, by the anniversaries and events that have marked the life of the FMA Institute.


The Chapter members, after a period of study and personal reflection, met as Interprovincial Conferences, sharing and elaborating questions for Mother and the Councilors.

“The generativity that unites us in the diversity of strengths, presences, and processes through which networks, listening, fraternal service, missionary daring, and apostolic passion are woven, open us to amazement and praise for all that the God of surprises has worked in each one and in the entire Institute in these years of grace” (Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Circular 1011).

The Chapter members raise the Magnificat to the Lord in their commitment to make new wine a reality that ensures charismatic vitality and fraternal synodality.


  1. Que el Espíritu siga posándose en el aposento de nuestro Capítulo General, para recrear lo vivido en el sexenio pasado y aventurarnos con la fuerza del Carisma hacia nuevos modos de anunciar a Jesús en el mundo contemporáneo. UNIDAS EN ORACIÓN PROFUNDA!!!

  2. en el alma y en todo el ser
    admirar la Obra Es gozode Dios en Caminar de nuestra amada Familia FMA .
    Dios Padre siembra, el Espiritu Santo mueve y remueve los terrenos y la Iglesia cosecha los frutos logrados con el “Sudor de tu Frente FMA”

  3. oggi siamo unite a tutte voi nella lettura importante della relazione della MADRE. non manca la nostra fraterna e solidale preghiera di ogni giorno … è bello aprire il sito dell´istituto e sempre leggere cosa avviene .. buon lavoro!!!


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