Rome (Italy). World Gratitude Day 2020 is celebrated this year during a special time due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

On April 25, 2020 in Rome, with Vespers and the traditional Goodnight, in communion with all the Provinces of the world, the start of World Gratitude Day 2020 was celebrated.

Gratitude is the fundamental element of the identity of the FMA. The Feast of Gratitude is a family celebration and makes all the FMA of the Institute feel in communion with Mother General, Sister Yvonne Reungoat. During the time of prayer, gratitude was expressed to Mother, “sign of unity and bond of communion”, of all the Institute’s FMA present in the five continents.

The Animator, Sister Bernarda Santamaria, said: “The FMA concretize the gratitude of all the communities that live and testify to the charism of the Founders, of each ‘daughter’ and of each member of the great Salesian Family whom Mother met along the roads of the world.”

In the moment of prayer, between Psalms, songs, and intercessions in different languages, listening to some texts taken from the Circulars of Mother Yvonne, helped us to remember the ‘good wine’ which, like ‘amphora’ (Jn 2: 1- 11), she poured out on the Communities during the twelve years of her service of animation and government in the FMA Institute.

“If gratitude is an attitude, is part of our being, this celebration is a very beautiful and meaningful tradition and is typically a sign of the ‘family spirit’, of gratitude first of all to God, because all that we are comes from Him, everything is a gift. We can never thank God enough for our life, for our family, even religious, for our vocation, for our mission, and for the many graces we receive from God.”

With these words, Mother thanked the FMA and all the Educating Communities of the FMA Institute in the world.

The World Feast of Gratitude, on April 26, 2020, will have an appointment in Live Streaming, with the recitation of the Rosary at 4:30 PM on the YouTube channel of St. John Bosco Province (IRO) and the greeting of Mother General to the whole FMA Institute, to young people, lay people, and the whole Salesian Family.


  1. Muy Querida Madre Yvonne. Nunca es tarde para agradecer.
    Desde Colombia – la Comunidad de Casa Mama Margarita le envía un sentido saludo y una oración ferviente por sus intenciones y por las del Instituto.
    Hemos expresado nuestro gracias a Dios por lo que eres y significas en la vida de cada una de las FMA, por tantos gestos de amor y maternidad que con solicitud llegan a cada lugar del mundo, incluyendo a las niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes, especialmente a los mas vulnerables como es el caso de nuestra casa.
    La sentimos muy cerca de nosotras y todos los días damos gracias por su presencia y por el impulso que nos da con tu testimonio de audacia y alegría salesiana.
    La queremos mucho y le enviamos muchas bendiciones en este tiempo de fe y espreranza.

  2. Arrivo ancora per dirle, GRAZIE, Madre Yvonne, per la sua presenza feconda nell’Istituto.
    per la sua cura per ogni Sorella, per ascoltare i giovani, per la dedizione alla Formazione, per il tuo entusiasmo e il tuo impulso missionario. Possa Maria continuare a guidarla nel seguire suo Figlio Gesù. Tanti auguri!

  3. Muy querida Madre Ivonne: Todo este día fue de agradecimiento al Señor por su vida tan rica que nos llena a todas de entusiasmo y alegría espiritual. Mil gracias por sus incomparables circulares. Cada una de ellas más llenas de enseñanzas salesianas y espiritualidad. Una vez más: Gracias. Muchas gracias. Con mi oración y cariño:

  4. Querida Madre, desde Bolivia-La Paz, la Comunidad Santa Marìa Mazzarello la hemos acompañado con cariño y gratitud en nuestras oraciones.
    Gracias Madre por todo lo que has hecho en nuestro Instituto y en cada una de la hnas, gracias por tanto cariño, bondad, sencillez, paciencia.
    Que nuestra Madre Auxiliadora te colme de bendiciones.
    Con Cariño tus hijas
    Victoria Paz, Daysi y Gladys

  5. Querida Madre, hoy la comunidad María Auxiliadora de Santa Bárbara, CMM se une a usted en este día grande de gracias, por su presencia que como un árbol siempre está dando buenos frutos para la guía y orientación del Instituto. Desde casa, nuestro gracias se hace oración y ofrecimiento por su servicio de animación sabio, fraterno y humano.

  6. Dear La Madre, We, the community of St.Joseph’s Convent, Arni, INM-India wish you a very Happy Feast of Gratitude. We prayed for you and all you Councillors. We express our love and gratitude for your 12 years of wonderful leadership! May God bless you with good health and a life of happiness for ever!
    With Love
    Arni, St.Joseph’s Community, INM-India

  7. Dear Mother, Thanks a lot for your motherly love, sisterly care, friendly accompaniment, wise leadership, spirit of systematic administration! Thank for governing the Institute with the great zeal of love for God’s Kingdom and with the charismatic spirit of our founders. wishing you God’s blessings in abundance…we prayed for you
    With Lots of love
    Sr.Francis Jeyamani, INM, INdia

  8. Carissima Madre Yvonne, comunita’ di Piotrkow Trybunalski (Polonia) ti ringrazia per il tuo cuore materno pieno di bonta’, d’appertura e di fiduccia. Ti auguriamo i doni dello Spirito Santo. Il Cuore di Gesu sia la tua gioia e speranza. La tua casa… Grazie che sei con noi come madre, sorella e discepola, sempre con il dono di pace. Ti offraimo la nostra preghiera! sr Iwona Szymanik con la comunita’

  9. Dearest Mother Ivvone,
    A very big thank you from all of us the. past pupils of Salesian Sisters of Cambodia especially in Teuk Thla and Phum Chreh. We ask God to bless you with good health of mind, body soul and spirit. God bless you and your intentions.
    Past pupils.

  10. Carissima Madre, grazie tante per la sua vita che tutto donato a noi e all’Istituto. Oggi le abbiamo ricordato tanto e le vogliamo tanto bene. Un piccolo grazie dal cuore delle sue figlie più lontane, che in quest’anno siamo 12 anni (CSM).
    Grazie! 谢谢!


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