Rome (Italy). The young people of Italy and of the SYM Secretariat turn to the Mother General of the FMA Institute on the occasion of the Celebration of World Gratitude Day.

Thank you Mother Yvonne for your affectionate presence in these twelve years, with your delicacy, your simplicity, your smile, you witnessed your great desire to take care of others …

We thank you for the passion with which you carried out your mission, accompanying us in these years as a mother who takes care of her family and puts herself at the service of those who need it. …

In you we have seen the great desire to listen to others and to be close to them …

Together with you and following the example of Mother Mazzarello, we learned to do good with humility and to approach the poorest …

Thank you for urging us to be a reference for other young people, for the words you addressed to us in recent years, capturing the signs of the times and generations at all times …

We thank you because you have been an inspired guide for all the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and because, like Mother Mazzarello, you supported us young people and the whole Salesian Family with your constant presence …

Thank you for your prayers that we reciprocate for you, with the hope that you will be a joyful witness for all those you will meet …

THANK YOU, Mother Yvonne!”

Letter from the young people of Italy to Mother. 

Video of the young people of Italy 

Video of the young people of the SYM Secretariat of Italy 



  1. Nos unimos a la voz de los jóvenes para decir: GRACIAS! a nuestra Madre Yvonne, por haber recorrido junto a ellos, de modo especial en estos doce últimos años, exhortándonos el cuidado y acompañamiento cercano y materno para nuestros jóvenes y en sintonía con el magisterio de la Iglesia; siendo ella misma testimonio e inspiración carismática en este servicio. Dios la bendiga! querida Madre


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