Bogotá (Colombia). The Provinces of Colombia, the land in which the World Feast of Gratitude Day 2023 will take place on 26 April 2023 in Bogota, on the website, make available to the FMA Communities and Educating Communities an itinerary to prepare for the event.

After the first phase of Salesian enlightenment, “Peace in the interior home”; and the second of ecclesial enlightenment, “Peace in the home that welcomes”; the THIRD and final phase, with biblical enlightenment, has the theme:


In this phase, we are called to acknowledge with humility and gratitude that the possibility of working for peace in the common Home is real, starting from the different environments in which we collaborate in the work of creation in an active and artisanal way, as Pope Francis affirms. Indeed, working for peace is similar to the work of a craftsman, because it requires commitment, dedication, attention to detail, patience, and perseverance.

Reflection offers an opportunity to become more aware that, despite not having the power to stop the armed conflicts active in the world, which generate so much pain and which, in the Pope’s words, “represent a defeat for all humanity”, in the perspective of hope, there is a horizon of work for peace that opens up in other directions.

A video illustrates the three paths proposed in this perspective, to be artisans of peace: in the gift of one’s life in educational service to the poorest; in the promotion and defense of human rights; in understanding and implementing the principles of integral ecology.

As a Gesture, each Community will find a space for Lectio Divina, from which to draw biblical elements to live this phase.

The texts of the Lectio and a Power Point in the various languages are available on the site as materials for personal and community study.

In all the Provinces, a special Entrustment to Mary is being prayed, available in the resources of the site in five languages.

As we draw close to the event of the Feast, you are requested to send the GESTURE OF PEACE to the email the Provinces of the world, invited to share with Mother Chiara and with the whole Institute the commitment to generate a culture of peace, can send the photograph with the caption that expresses the actions or ways in which they are contributing to build peace. Each gestures of peace is visible on the Feast website.


  1. Carissima Madre Chiara
    Con un cuore pieno di gratitudine e preghiera le auguro buona festa di riconoscenza dal Kenya dove siamo radunate per gli esercizi espirituali delle Direttrici di comunita’. Stiamo pregando ogni giorno per Lei e per tutte le Consigliere che le aiutano nel servizio di animazione.
    Che il Signore vi benedica sempre e vi conceda il vino da condividere con noi come a Cana perche’ la Mamma di Gesu’ e Gesu’ stesso vi erano presenti. Che la vostra animazione sia per noi quel vino che ci aiuta a far festa con coloro affidati a noi nella nostra missione educativa.
    Con affetto e preghiera, Sr. Gisele e la comunita’ di Kigali, Rwanda.

  2. Querida Madre Chiara,
    siempre saremos gracias a Dios porque nos puso dentro del pecho un corazón…Así es tu corazón porque noas amas como si fuera cada una , la única.
    Gracias por entregar amor y alegría a cada una de nosotras. Tu isión es un gracias perenne. FELICITACIONES A LAS HERMANAS COLOMBIANAS POR TAN BONITA FIESTA.
    de Hermana Nidia Elsinger. Córdoba- ARGENTINA


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