Rome (Italy). On 24 October 2020, we celebrate the 12th  anniversary of the Election of the Mother General of the FMA Institute, Sister Yvonne Reungoat.

God’s surprises ask us to welcome the unprecedented of each day with trust and hope. We join Mother Yvonne in living this unusual time, in communion with one another and with the world, ready to respond with joy to the invitation: “Do whatever He tells you” (Jn 2:5). And it is this same invitation that the Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, in the Eucharistic Celebration of 24 October 2014, made to the Chapter members before the voting, recalling Mary at Cana, “Do whatever he tells you”.

Behold, Mother, the call still today to undertake the journey, listening attentively to the Teacher, to Jesus and to His Spirit with an open and docile heart to continue to “fill those jars with water”, with concern, with joy, with loving kindness, comfort, and compassion for the FMA, for the young, and for the Salesian Family in the World.

With Mary, welcoming this extraordinary time of generativity, you continue to give impetus and new life to the mission to which you were called on 24 October 2014.

Asked about the willingness to be the successor of Mother Mazzarello and to incarnate her motherhood to share a new season of prophecy in the FMA Institute at the service of the Church, you answered: “I accept! Thank you for the trust. The biblical expression that supports me is: ‘When I am weak, then I am strong’. I entrust myself entirely to Mary and I accept her invitation: ‘Do whatever He tells you’.”

And so, today, on the 12th anniversary of the Election, you repeat again: “Don Bosco assured us that the true Superior of the Institute is Mary Help of Christians. To her I entrust the mission of animating and governing the FMA Institute. I will try to be, like Mother Mazzarello, Her Vicar.”

To you Mother, the grateful greetings of all the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, of the Salesian Family, of the Educating Communities, and of young people in the world. Happy Anniversary!



  1. Gracias Madre por tu palabra siempre oportuna y profunda que nos hace descubrir el precioso don de la vocación salesiana.
    Hoy, en estos tiempos difíciles, con María, afianzamos nuestra fe en el Dios de la Vida y pido para ti el gozo y la paz de la “sierva fiel” del Evangelio. Con mi cariño y oración agradecida. Isabel Pérez, fma SPA

  2. Grazie Madre per il Suo servizio, Grazie con tutto il cuore
    Arigato! Kami ni kansya e Madre ni Kansya !
    Comunità Mamma Margherita (Chiofu Giappone )

  3. Querida Madre , agradecemos estos años de acompañamiento con alegría y esperanza. Rogamos a nuestra Señora te acompañe e ilumine en este año díficil para que puedas continuar tu misión al frente de las HMA. Nuestro abrazo fraterno desde el Colegio María Auxiliadora de Villa Regina – Río Negro. Argentina

  4. Gracias Madre Yvonne: Su capacidad de escucha-diálogo, es hoy un signo profético misionero. Damos gracias a Dios por su vida entregada!!! Con sincero afecto y oración. Merche Alvarez fma

  5. Dede Mar del Plata, Argentina, doy graciaz por tu vida entregada Madre…..veo en vos el amor maternal de Main. Rezo por tu bienestar y celebro tu presencia en nuestras vidas. Soy exalumna de la casa de Mar de Plata , mi hijo tambien…… Abrazo y felicidades en éste Aniversario !!!!

  6. Querida Madre Yvonne. Nuestro Gracias provincial se une al Gracias de todo el Instituto.
    De corazón nuestra gratitud por su animación y sobre todo por el cariño y cercanía que siempre nos ha expresado.
    Que la intercesión de la Beata Sor María Romero continúe acompañándola siempre.

  7. Dear Yvonne Reungoat’s mother,
    We congratulate you and thank you so much. You have always been generous and sacrificed for us. You have many concerns and keep us awake so that we can become happy people. God bless you.

  8. Queridísima Madre. Nuestro gracias se ha hecho oración y alabanza en este día en el cual recordamos su elección hace 12 años y su respuesta generosa y alegre de cada dia en la animación de nuestro Instituto. Un especial saludo de la Comunidad del Noviciado San Jose de La Ceja. La queremos mucho


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