Sanlúcar La Mayor (Spain). From February 12 to 19, at the spirituality and ongoing formation center of the House of Our Lady of the Pillar in Sanlúcar La Mayor, the FMA Community Animators of Mary Help of Christians Province (SPA) and part of the Provincial Council met to live the Annual Spiritual Exercises, animated by the Mother General Emeritus of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sister Yvonne Reungoat.
A participant recounts:
“Her words and reflections guided these days of prayer and encounter with the Word. The message focused on the experience of God’s love lived with Jesus by the first Community of Mornese, which we must make alive in us to be generative in love. Being ‘generative of life’ was the theme of General Chapter XXIV, which continues to accompany the planning of the 2022-2027 six-year term.
In Mother Yvonne’s conferences, the richness of her testimony emerged in particular, supported by the love and knowledge of the FMA Institute, the naturalness and frankness in expressing herself, the joy and courage in making proposals to us.
The atmosphere of silence facilitated prayer and faith sharing. Mother Yvonne also made herself available for personal encounters with all the Sisters who wished to meet with her, a generous exercise in listening and openness which was greatly appreciated and is a sign of her dedication. We are also grateful for the availability of the Salesians of Don Bosco from the Triana house for the celebrations of the Eucharist and the sacrament of Reconciliation.
The celebration shared on the last evening was an expression of the great joy experienced during these days of prayer. Thank you, Sister Yvonne, everything was better with you!”.