Rome (Italy). The Chapter members, on 3 and 4 October 2021, live a time of Discernment in view of the election of Mother and the members of the General Council of the FMA Institute.

On Sunday 3 October 2021, an atmosphere of incessant prayer to the Holy Spirit unites the Chapter members who begin the experience of discernment to discover, in silence and prayer, what God wants for the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

The Eucharist is presided over by Fr. Pascual Chávez Villanueva, Rector Major Emeritus of the Salesians of Don Bosco, who in his homily shares the challenge that consecrated life must face in order to keep love alive and give consistency to fidelity in a difficult and fascinating time. “Only on the basis of a solid faith that nourishes a living hope and is manifested in a concrete and unconditional love for God and for our brothers and sisters, in whom we recognize the face of the Lord Jesus, is our fidelity to Love in consecrated life possible and relevant”.

Fr. Pascual is called to guide the steps of Discernment. In the light of the Word of God, “Allowing ourselves to be transformed to renew our minds” (Rm 12: 1-2), he explains that in the process of discernment it is the Holy Spirit who is the true protagonist of a Chapter. Each Chapter member is also present in the name of her province reality and the chapter community-assembly becomes, for the election and delegation of the sisters, the current symbol of ‘the whole’ Institute, of its present, of its memory, of its dreams.

The time of discernment and listening to God’s plan for the Institute requires on the part of all openness and docility to the voice of God. The Chapter members live a time of living encounter with the Holy Spirit, a time of profound search, of responsible participation also in moments of sharing in the Commissions, to give the new Council to the Institute, mediation in animation and government in a synodal style, in the certainty of the support of all the Educating Communities of every part of the world.

Mother will be elected on the morning of Tuesday 5 October 2021 and on the following days, the Vicar General, the 6 Area Councilors, and the 7 Visiting Councilors will be elected. The conclusion of the discernment process is scheduled for 10 October 2021.


  1. Desde la ciudad de Valdivia Chile, acompañamos este proceso de discernimiento con la emoción y alegría de sentirnos en comunión.

  2. La Comunidad de Virginia Rossi de Barranquilla-Atlántico intensifica la oración durante estos días de discernimiento. Damos gracias a Dios por la vida y servicio de animación de la Madre General a lo largo de estos años. Pedimos, para nuestras Hermanas Capitulares las luces del Espíritu Santo, El, las ilumine y les conceda el don de la escucha y sabiduría. La Auxiliadora las acompañe.

  3. En comunión para invocar al Espíritu Santo y acompañar todos estos días. Hermanas de El Plantio- Madrid

  4. Unidas en la oración y el ofrecimiento. Agradecemos a la Madre Ivonne por su servicio y rogamos por las futuras superioras del Instituto. Hermanas Berta y Zoila Sánchez. Viedma Patagonia Argentina.

  5. Nos unimos en oración a todas las Hermanas del Instituto para que el Espíritu Santo regale a las Capitulares su luz en el proceso que realizan para la elección de la nueva Superiora General y su Consejo.

  6. Estamos unidas em oração pedindo ao Espírito que ilumine a mente e o coração das irmãs capitulares neste primeiro dia do discernimento para a eleição da Madre Geral e as conselheiras do próximo governo.
    Mãe Auxiliadora caminha e sustenta cada uma na missão tão importante.

  7. Unidas en la oraciòn. Pedimos por intercesiòn de nuestra Madre Celestial, que el Señor bendiga a cada una de las capitulares.

  8. Viens Esprit Saint, envahis toute l’assemblée capitulaire de ta lumière, confirme l’institut dans ton Amour !

  9. En nombre de la Provincia Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles en Centroamérica Sur, acompañamos a las capitulares con nuestra oración para que el Espíritu Santo les conceda un corazón dócil a sus mociones y saber elegir para el Instituto a la Madre y su Consejo pensado por él para estos momentos históricos. María Santísima les acompañe e inspire siempre


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