Rome (Italy). The Spirit of God gives spaces for fraternity, reflection, and gratitude. On 2 October 2021, on the Feast of the Guardian Angels, the Chapter members gathered in Rome for the XXIV General Chapter, express gratitude to Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Superior General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

The day takes place in a Mornese atmosphere of joy and praise to the Lord in communion with the whole Institute in the world. In the prayer of Lauds, some Chapter members representing the 5 Continents, perform the gesture of pouring water into a jar as a symbol of synodality, missionary spirit, listening, discernment, care, accompaniment, which Mother Yvonne pours out on earth, as a sign of communion between the Provinces of the FMA Institute.

In the Eucharistic Celebration, presided over by Fr. Maria Arokiam Kanaga, Superior of the Preprovince “Mary Seat of Wisdom” – UPS, we remember the many signs of generativity that Mother Yvonne sowed in the heart of every Daughter of Mary Help of Christians and thank the Lord for her life given with enthusiasm and daring in the thirteen years of service to the FMA Institute, promoting the culture of life and being with the young communities that generate joy and hope.

At the end of the Eucharist, the assembly imposed the blessing on Mother, a sign of belonging and of the presence of God, singing: “May the Lord bless her and keep her and let His face shine upon her, goodness and mercy forever be upon her”.

In the evening, with the joy of simple hearts, the feast is celebrated with songs, symbols, and the magic of gratitude.

Mother thanks God for the FMA Institute, a large family that must continue to be taken care of by spreading the Salesian charism. “We are called to work together, sharing the gifts received from the Lord with an open and grateful heart. God does not stop manifesting His love. We are called with Him, to be together with young people in the world, and to be a sign of light and hope”.



  1. Grazie, Madre per la tua vicinanza ad ogni F.M.A. con le tue circolari che hanno sempre indicato un cammino profondo, essenziale ed ottimista di santità. Ci siamo sentite sostenute e incoraggiate ad andare avanti seguendo gli insegnamenti di Don Bosco e di Madre Mazzarello.

  2. Queridísima Madre Yvonne:
    Gracias, muchísimas gracias por su presencia tan valiosa en nuestro Instituto, por su Magisterio profundo, rico, salesiano, eclesial. Estaremos unidas en la oración. Que la Trinidad Santísima y María Auxiliadora le bendigan, acompañen y le recompensen todo el bien recibido.
    Con inmenso cariño, Sor Teresita Salas G.

  3. Ma très chère Mère Yvonne,
    Merci pour toutes ses années de service….je te garde dans mon cœur et dans mes prières. On va beaucoup te manquer… il faut faire confiance au Seigneur… Je Lui demande de te garder, de te bénir et de te combler de ses bénédictions… merci pour ton service inlassable et de garder vivant dans l’institut l’Esprit Salésien. Que Marie Auxiliatrice continuer de te guider
    Je t’embrasse
    De ta fille S. Françoise Canada

  4. Merci Mère Yvonne pour ta gande générosité envers nous toutes et envers l’institut. Ta présence va nous manquer mais nous continuerons de te garder dans notre prière. Tu seras toujours la bienvenue chez nous au Canada. Tu pourrais toujours venir te reposer un peu!!! Merci de toutes les soeurs de ma communaité ici à Cornwall.

  5. Thank you so much Mother Yvonne for your many years of service to our institute. May our loving God continue to strengthen you and bless you with good health so that you may continue to serve the Lord through all you meet each day. Stay safe Madre and God bless.

  6. We FMA ‘s praise and thank God n our blessed Mother for having kept alive the spirit of Don Bosco these 13 years through your animation ; always joyful and you never ever showed tiredness that I saw through the circulars. Thank you for all you have been to us.

  7. Thank you
    Mother Yvonne for your guidance and accompaniment and service. I have greatly appreciated and treasured your guidence through your circulars may the Lord and Our Mother be with you to help you in all ways

  8. Madre Yvonne :No cesó de dar gracias a Dios por su vida su entrega ,su l amor manifestado en tantos gestos fraternos . El interés por cada persona ,su empatía el respeto el sigilo,. Su testimonio ,sus mensajes los guardamos con solicitud y nos esforzamos por hacerlos vida ,creo que está acogida y compromiso son la mejor forma de agradecer. Le acompañamos con la oración y el cariño las hermanas de la Comunidad Corazón de María de Ecuador

  9. Sincere gratitude and appreciations Madre Yvonne Reungoat fma for your lifegiving service to God, to the Church and to the Institute. Thank you for leading our Congregation with great wisdom, affectionate, enthusiasm, energy, passion and Hope! May God continue to bless you abundantly. We love and continue to walk and journey together with prayers and HOPE. Prayers and Gratitude from Leauva’a, SAMOA.


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