Luanda (Angola). On 4 and 5 January 2024, the first meeting of the Catechetical Commission of the Preprovince Queen of Peace (ANG), attended by Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, representatives of the Communities of Luanda, Zango, Benguela, Luena, Calulo, Cacuaco.

In response to the 3rd priority choice of the 23 General Chapter. “Let us give new impetus to the first proclamation of Jesus, to evangelization, and to pedagogical, pastoral, catechetical and communicative formation, according to the Christian anthropological vision.”  The Preprovince has in fact set up a Commission composed of those responsible for coordinating parish catechesis and other FMA, to reflect on the choices made; to evaluate the path of each Community, listening to experiences and challenges; to plan the work to be carried out as a Commission in the coming years.

The theme of the meeting was the 3rd webinar organized by the Youth Ministry Sector on the identity of catechesis. A reflection was made on the return to some choices: the option for small communities, villages, chapels, groups; the catechumenate for a parish understood as a communion of communities; enculturated catechesis; biblical catechesis; the catechesis of and in the community; the catechumenate as the choice of the universal and African Church.

The Salesian parishes, in fidelity to the Church, assume the catechumenate and undertake to implement it where it is not yet present. The baptized in the phase of Christian maturation are offered associative experiences that allow growth in faith, sharing, and apostolic commitment. Regarding integration, it has been noted that Youth Ministry itself and catechesis should be integrated in using common criteria. Catechumens should try to insert themselves into youth groups.

There was also talk of an “illuminating” catechesis that integrates the themes of sex education and education to love, health, citizenship, human rights, the great themes of African culture: witchcraft, polygamy, and Christian marriage; the struggle between good and evil, the spirit world, sects and religious faith, Christian death. Death that shows the beauty of virtue and the ugliness of sin (cf. dream at 9-years-old).

In this way, we wish to offer to the catechists a valid and useful tool to announce and respond to the aims of the catechumenal itinerary, integrating parents, godparents, and guardians in the education to the faith, bringing them to mature in the catechumenate the meaning of their lives, to give the reason for their faith, to live the values of the Gospel, to live their faith in community, to pray and celebrate their faith, to engage in the transformation of society. The methodological interventions have not failed to be an expression of all this.

Starting from these reflections, various ideas were proposed, sharing experiences of different realities, parishes, centers, and dioceses, between lights and shadows. Strengthening the theme on the identity of catechesis presented by the international commission, the action plan has been drawn up with general and specific objectives, actions, content, timing, and responsibilities. To complete the action plan, each highlighted a theme to be finalized and presented at the next meeting in Luanda.

These were intense and memorable days, in which the Commission’s FMAs were the protagonists, expressing their gratitude for the Communities’ support.


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