Roma (Italia). Il 7 ottobre 2021, è stata eletta Consigliera per la Pastorale Giovanile dell’Istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice Suor Runita Galve Borja.

La Consigliera per la Pastorale giovanile anima l’azione apostolica dell’Istituto in tutte le sue espressioni, nella continua fedeltà al carisma e alle esigenze della realtà giovanile (C 129).

Un caloroso applauso ha accolto la proclamazione ufficiale.


  1. Thank you for your new and continued “Yes”, Sr. Runita! We are very much looking forward to working with you again, to your guidance, sisterly support and presence among us! Be assured of our prayers and and our own support for all that you propose for the good of the young people and our beautiful Institute! With great joy, Sr. Theresa Lee

  2. Congratulations Sr. Runita !!
    We are happy that you are re-elected. Assuring of our prayers for your great mission of animating the Youth Ministry sector. May our Blessed Mother continue to accompany you.

  3. Dear Sr.Runita,
    congratulations! We are happy that you are re-elected to carry out the Youth Ministry that you are doing so well. Loving greetings from all of us, the sisters of the community and young people of Anmarudai, Vellore, INM
    We wish you all the best and assure you of our prayers for you.
    Sr.Josephine Rani SUSAI and Sisters

  4. Congratulations. SR Runita!
    Assuring you of our prayers for your great mission in Youth Ministry. May our Blessed Mother bring you to every place that gives hope and promise to young people and our communities in mission.
    Sr. Cora – Surrey, Canada


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