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A yes with joy for all one’s life

Torre Annunziata (Italy). A "Yes" with joy for all one’s life: thus, eight celebrated the gift of God's faithfulness of 25 and 50 years...

Await the Future with Hope

(Rome Italy). "A Church on the move, capable of dreaming of new ways to serve the Gospel, of movement supported by a hope that...

The synodal and young face of the Church

Brescia (Italy). From 7 to 8 March 2019, at the Paul VI Pastoral Center in Brescia, Italy, the National Convention for University Pastoral Care...

A journey of gazes

Rome (Italy). From 17 February  2019, the Spiritual Exercises took place in the Community of Santa Rosa, Castelgandolfo, for the young women in the...

College and university residences together for a new beginning

Rome (Italy). The FMA Generalate in Rome hosted the first meeting for those responsible for college and university residences on March 1- 3, 2019,...

A youth lived uner the sign of faith and love

Rome (Italy). In line with the Synod on: Young People, Faith, and Vocational Discernment (Cf. Working Document nos. 213-214), in the month of March, we share the...

Formation days for Animators and Local Councils

Rome (Italy). On February 25, 2019, Mother Yvonne Reungoat met in Rome with the Animators and Local Councils of the Roman Province St. John...

Formation Meeting: “There is a boy here”

Turin (Italy). "There is a boy here..." is the theme of the formative meeting, organized by the Italian Interprovincial Conference (CII), for the FMA...

Harambée Community at TV2000

Rome (Italy). On January 30, 2019, on the eve of the feast of Don Bosco, some young people and an educator of the Harambee...

The sure guides of Sr. Eusebia Palomino

Rome (Italy). In line with the Synod on: Young People, Faith, and Vocational Discernment (Cf. Working Document nos. 213-214), in the month of February, we share the...

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