Torre Annunziata (Italy). A “Yes” with joy for all one’s life: thus, eight celebrated the gift of God’s faithfulness of 25 and 50 years of religious profession in Torre Annunziata (Na) Villa Tiberiade on 14 and 15 June 2019.

Through the Lectio on “Simeon and Anna (Lk 2:22-39) given by Fr. Lino D’Onofrio, each person was immersed in the dimension of God’s time. And, like Simeon and Anna, “moved by the Spirit” they reflected on their own experience of 25/50 years that led to a peaceful sharing between them and the Provincial, Sister Mara Tagliaferri and Sister Anna Avenia becoming reciprocal wealth and consignment of a past in which the faithfulness of God worked great things in each one.

On Saturday 15, they went on pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii to live the jubilee of fidelity in serene joy. They entrusted themselves to the Virgin who confirms them in the common purpose “to be holy and without blemish before Him in love” (Eph 1: 4) in this phase of the journey towards the ultimate goal.

Awaited and lived with intense joy and deep emotion was the celebratory moment in which each one renewed her Vows after receiving the lamp from the Provincial and the parchment with the blessing of Pope Francis.

Fraternal Agape: together they rediscovered reasons to be thankful, to celebrate, and to be in communion with the novitiate companions already in the house of the Father. The gift from the Province of the picture of the Help of Christians is charged with the mandate and responsibility of that “I entrust them to you” to which they want to continue to respond with their life, for their entire life: Helpers for the young with the Sisters of the Community to which they belong.



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