Rome (Italy). Holy Father Francis appointed sr.Pina Del Core, full professor of Developmental and Orientation Psychology at the Faculty, Consultor of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life (VC) and Societies of Apostolic Life (January 19, 2021).

She is a member of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, founded on 5 August 1872 by St. John Bosco and St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello. The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, consecrated to God to serve Jesus Christ in community, dedicate their lives to the human, Christian, and Salesian education of young people. Don Bosco chose for them Mary, the Help of Christians, who knew how to embody and live the pedagogy of caring, which makes their educational passion for young people concrete and makes them women who generate life in the heart of contemporaneity.

Pina Del Core, former Principal for nine years of the Pontifial Faculty of Education Science “Auxilium”  in Rome, in addition to teaching positions in the field of the psychological sciences, was Director of the Institute of Psychological Research in the educational field and coordinator of the Diploma Course for Formators in the field of consecrated life promoted by the Faculty.

She is a psychologist and psychotherapist, and has a long  experience of work and research and study in the field of adolescent and youth problems of scholastic, professional, and vocational orientation.

She has carried out consultancy and formation activities for formators, holding the position of consultant in the International Sector for Formation at the level of the FMA Institute to which she belongs, working in the field of vocational guidance, discernment, and psycho-diagnosis.  This has allowed her to acquire skills related to formation issues through study, research, publications, participation in and organization of conferences, and initial and ongoing formation courses.

She carried out various research activities in the field of developmental psychology and above all, of guidance as a member of the Scientific and Leadership Committee. She also exercised her teaching in other Institutions, pontifical and otherwise, and at various Postgraduate  and levels I and II  Masters Courses in collaboration with the Study Centers affiliated with the Faculty.

She has various publications in the three fields she deals with, developmental psychology, orientation, and formation, particularly on the themes of choice and decision-making, identity and search for meaning, discernment and vocational accompaniment, as well as on specific issues in the context of initial and ongoing formation in consecrated life.

On 11 July 2016 she was appointed Consultor of the Congregation for Catholic Education by Pope Francis for a five-year term.

The consultors are appointed by the Supreme Pontiff – for a five-year term – to collaborate with the members of the Congregation according to their specific competence and in relation to the objectives and commitments of the Dicastery. The consultors offer their contribution through consultations, studies or opinions on specific situations or questions concerning the life, mission, and government of the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Apostolic Societies.

The FMA Institute congratulates sr. Pina Del Core and entrusts her to the maternal protection of Mary Help of Christians, wishing her to carry out this new service with the availability and reliability that have always distinguished her teaching and research in the Fields of formation and education.


  1. Congratulazioni!!!!!
    E’ una grande gioia che condividiamo!!!! E’ anche una grande responsabilità…invochiamo per te la luce del Risorto e la profezia, dono dello Spirito!
    In comunione
    Sr Anna e Sorelle Comunità Sr Valsé

  2. Congratulazioni suor Pina per questa bella notizia. Il tuo dono fecondo per la Chiesa è una gioia e un onore per l’Istituto. Dio benedica il tuo operato e Maria Santissima sia la Guida per questo compito così alto: dono di Dio per gli altri.

  3. Cara suor Pina, più che mai la vita consacrata ha bisogno persone come te per aiutarci quando abbiamo bisogno di accompagnamento e consigli. Prego per te e per questa nobile missione.

  4. Viva Gesu sr Pina. Ringraziamo il Signore per la tua scelta a questa grande responsabilità. Dio te colma di grazia per compierla secondo la sua volontà. Prego per te


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