Sam Phran (Thailand). On 2 April 2024, a promotion and formation meeting for FMA Missionary Volunteering took place at the “Ban Than Phraphorn” Home Gathering Center in Sam Phran, of  St. Maria Mazzarello Province (THA).

The meeting, coordinated by Sister Phonphirun Chandenduang, in preparation for the Provincial verification-planning days 2024-2025, was attended by 70 people including Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sisters Handmaids of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, lay men and women, formandees of the Salesians of Don Bosco and other members of the Salesian Family.

The formative and operational contents of this day were curated by the Caritas BKK Team of Bangkok, Thailand. During the morning, Fr. Yodchai Lekprasert, Secretary of the diocesan Caritas, shared the salient points of the three documents – Evangelii Gaudium, Fratelli tutti and Laudato si’ – by integrating them. This was preceded by the viewing of the video on the current situation of nature entrusted by God to the care of human beings.

The afternoon, on the ‘care of Creation’ in an evangelical spirit was more operative with the help of four collaborators of Fr. Yotciai who presented the ideas and practices regarding the production of biologically fermented water, the cultivation of  germinated vegetables, plants, fermented fertilizers.

The members of each group with mixed components got involved in these agricultural activities with energy and enthusiasm, accompanied by Caritas workers in the various phases of production.

The equipment made available to everyone and the abundant water were used with diligence and responsibility in the hope of having good results according to the teachings received.

At the end of the meeting, a representative, on behalf of all the participants and the Provincial, Sister Angela Thongyou Kitsakul, thanked and offered a gift to Fr. Yodchai Lekprasert and his collaborators.



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