Karthoum (Sudan). On 3 November 2023, at 6.50 in the morning, a large bomb hit the Karthoum House of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the Preprovince Mary Help of Christians (AES), causing serious damage, but sparing the lives of the FMA and other people present in the house.

The FMA House is located in a neighborhood of Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, torn by the war. It hosts five sisters, a priest, women, children, a teacher, and a group of men, some of whom are elderly and sick. In the testimony, published by Help the suffering Church (ACS),  the priest, Father Jacob, says, “The bomb exploded in two phases. It hit the first-floor parapet on the right side of the building and the second part exploded on the left side of the first floor. The Sisters, the teacher, and I have our rooms on the first floor. At the time the bomb fell, children and mothers were having morning tea on the ground floor”.

In the explosion, the large image of Mary Help of Christians present in the courtyard was destroyed, “We are certain that the Madonna wanted to sacrifice herself for all of us”, commented Father.

In fact, despite the obvious damage, the doors probably protected the inhabitants from splinters, pieces of plaster and brick, avoiding victims. The teacher was injured in the legs, and one of the FMA in the back, but both not seriously.

While we thank Our Lady for her miraculous protection, unfortunately the situation continues to be worrying and we ask all the FMA of the Institute and the Educating Communities to continue to implore Her powerful intercession for peace in Sudan and in all the Nations of the world torn by conflict.


  1. Só Maria pode ajudar e, de certeza, que o vai fazer. Dizia D. Bosco “Confiai em Maria e vereis o que são milagres”.
    Confiança. O mal não pode vencer. Grande abraço e a nossa oração diária e constante.

  2. Maria, Ausiliatrice del cielo e della terra,
    Invoca pace e misericordia per le popolazioni in guerra e sii mediatrice di grazie. Grazie mille.

  3. A Mãe Auxiliadora continue a proteger e abençoar. Nossa solidariedade e orações.
    Comunidade Maria Auxiliadora Campos – BMM

  4. La Auxiliadora se pasea por nuestras y no libra de todo mal. Cuenten con nuestra oración x la situación que están viviendo. Hnas Casita San José. Almagro. Argentina.

  5. Acompañandolas Hernanaa . Es muy triste ver y sentir que nuestro mundo se destruya de esta manera.
    Cuenten con nuestra oración y cercania


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