Rome (Italy). As he reminded at the end of the Angelus of 20 March 2022, Pope Francis on 25 March 2022 will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

“I invite every community and all the faithful to join me on Friday 25 March, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, in carrying out a solemn act of consecration of humanity, especially of Russia and Ukraine, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that she, the Queen of peace, may obtain peace for the world.”

The news was given on 15 March by the Director of the Press Office of the Holy See, Matteo Bruni, who also announced the modalities. The act of consecration will take place during the Celebration of Penance which the Holy Father will preside at 17:00. in St. Peter’s Basilica. Furthermore, the Communiqué reports, “The same act, on the same day, will be performed in Fatima by His Eminence Cardinal Krajewski, Almoner of His Holiness, as envoy of the Holy Father.”

There were several acts of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Popes, following the apparition of 13 July  1917 in Fatima, in which Our Lady asked for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart (cfr. Vatican News).

Precisely on 25 March, on the Solemnity of the Annunciation in 1984, John Paul II entrusted all peoples to the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

“Embrace with love as a Mother and as a Servant of the Lord, this human world of ours, which we entrust and consecrate to You, full of concern for the earthly and eternal fate of men and peoples. In a special way we entrust and consecrate those persons and nations to you who are particularly in need of this entrustment and this consecration.”

This act is a further heartfelt gesture by Pope Francis to ask for Mary’s intercession, so that the Ukrainian people may be freed from the grip of violence, “Let us be close to this people, embrace them with affection and concrete commitment, and with prayer. And, please, let’s not get used to war and violence!” he reiterated at the Angelus.

Meanwhile, on 17 March the itinerant statue of Our Lady of Fatima arrived in Lviv (Leopoli), one of the images, an exact replica of the original, which will remain in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin until 15 April 2022, a sign of comfort and hope for the Ukrainian population who never ceases to implore God through the Virgin Mary for the gift of peace.


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