Madrid (Spain) The urgent need for prayer during this coronavirus emergency time has prompted the Communication Sector of Mary Help of Christians Province, Spain – Madrid (SPA) to create the prayer network “This prayer is … FOR YOU” with this motivation:

“This crisis situation awakens solidarity, to stay close to people despite the distance. It is the ‘fantasy of charity’ that stimulates creativity to stay close even when you are far away. We through faith, believe in the powerful force of prayer, in the Church in communion, in the invisible bonds of the fraternity that unites everyone. Pope Francis reminds us that “One form of prayer moves us particularly to take up the task of evangelization and to seek the good of others: it is the prayer of intercession”. (EG, 281)

“This prayer is … FOR YOU” is a resource for daily prayer – spread through the website, the social networks of the Province and the Educating Communities – which invites you to place in prayer a concrete intention to forget yourself and look up to the Heavens, interceding for those who live this situation in a state of danger or with more difficulty.

Through the web site of the SPA Province, you can download the prayers made up of a Gospel passage, a prayer according to the intention of the day, and a video link to the song.scheda preghiera iniziativa SPA


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