Tokyo (Japan). On 9 April 2023, on Easter Day, a teacher of the Salesian International School of Setagaya, Tokyo, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of Alma Mater Province (GIA), received the Sacrament of Baptism at the Salesian parish of Himonya.

Mika is a music teacher. Her story was born during a trip to Italy that she wanted to do alone. When she visited the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, she was fascinated by Don Bosco and from that moment she fulfills her mission as a teacher with Don Bosco’s heart, actively applying the Preventive System.

Later, interacting also with the young people of the Salesian Youth Movement and with the Salesian of Don Bosco in charge, she began to study the Gospel and the Catechism. It can truly be said that she came to Christ, guided by Don Bosco.

She therefore decided to receive the Sacrament of Baptism thanks to an invitation from the Principal of the School, Sr. Morishita Wakayo Teresia assuming, naturally, the Christian name of Giovanna Bosco. As a music teacher, the name ‘Cecilia’ had been suggested to her, but she had no hesitation in choosing Giovanna Bosco! She also explained the reason, “Before being a musician, I want to be a good educator.”

Mika has recently received Baptism, but from this month of April, she has already begun to teach Religion to the students, because to complete her formation she also wanted to obtain the Certificate of Religion Teacher.

To Mika – Giovanna Bosco, her wish is to always let herself be led by Don Bosco and by Mary Help of Christians.


  1. Ho provato veramente una gioia profonda nel leggere la vicenda di Mika-Giovanna Bosco e nel costatare che Dio continua a vivere in terra giapponese anche grazie alla forza e fecondità del carisma Salesiano! Grazie alle Sorelle giapponesi che sanno gettare semi di bene: certamente i frutti verranno! Sempre unita a voi con grande affetto e preghiera!

  2. Che gioia!
    Grazie a Dio!
    Rallegramenti con la insegnante di musica “Giovanni Bosco”!
    “Giovanni Bosco”, aiutata da Don Bosco ha incontrato la VERITA’
    La “VERITA'” che apre la “PORTA” alla vita eterna tutto AMORE e GIOIA…
    Insegni! Insegni a chi incontrera’…Contagi a chicchesia il VERO AMORE che e’ DIO….L’IMPOSSIBILE che non esista……


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