Sam Phran (Thailand). From 12 to 15 September 2023, in Sam Phran, at the Ban Than Phraphon Gathering Center of St. Mary Mazzarello Province (THA), the psychological and human formation meeting took place for the first group of Animators of the Provinces of the Interprovincial Conference CIAO of East Asia.
48 FMA participated in this first meeting: 17 from the FIL Province (Philippines-Papua New Guinea); 8 from the THA Province; 7 from the VTN Province (Vietnam); 4 from the TIN Province (East Timor-Indonesia); 4 from the CMY Province (Cambodia-Myanmar); 4 from the KOR Province (Korea; and 2 from China. The second group will have formation starting on September 19th.
The theme of the formation meeting was: “Taking care of yourself and others for a responsible service.”
During the formation days, Sister Milena Stevani, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, Professor of Psychology at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences “Auxilium” in Rome, was present and brought her precious contribution.
The proposal for formation for Animators in the psychological and human area was put forward by the CIAO Formation Commission, made up of five FMA from the various CIAO Provinces, animated by Sister Jessica Salvaña, FMA, now Superior of the Preprovince of Mary Mother of the Church (RMC).
These are the specific topics covered:
- The service of authority: a specific call to “take care”.
- Self-care to be able to walk together with the sisters.
- Attention to each sister and attention to the mission of the community.
- Taking care of the relationship with the sisters.
- Care for communication.
- Care of the personal colloquy.
- Some conditions for a constructive discussion in the personal colloquy.
The enriching sharing in small linguistic groups – English, Italian, and Korean – and the possibility of personal clarifications or in assembly with Sister Milena, helped the participants to acquire a deeper understanding of the role of Community Animator.
Sister Anelfreda Miranda, of the Formation Sector of the FMA Institute, from Rome, General House, gave the Goodnight on the first day via Zoom, while on the 2nd day, “Stella Maris” Province presented its reality, and on the 3rd day, the sisters from Myanmar shared the situation of the Country.
As an expression of mutual gratitude, on the evening of the third day each Province presented traditional songs and dances of their respective nations. The last day was instead dedicated to a cultural outing to get to know some typical Thai places and realities.