Milan (Italy). Between the end of August and the beginning of September 2023, in two shifts – from 27 to 29 August for the girls, and from 30 August to 1 September for the boys – there took place at the Montanina house in Pian dei Resinelli, in the Province of Lecco, the “Altar Servers Three days”, a traditional event for the altar servers of the Diocese of Milan, organized by the Seminary.

The girls and boys between 10 and 13 years of age who serve in many Parishes of the Ambrosian Diocese thus have the opportunity to experience three days of joy and prayer, friendship and spirituality, including games, walks in the woods, and workshops, understanding more the spirit of liturgical service.

Every year the altar servers are accompanied in this experience by some Saints, men and women who lived their lives to the full, testifying to the beauty of service and friendship with the Lord.

Helped by the Seminarians of the Diocese and by some Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of Holy Family Province of Lombardy (ILO), this year the children discovered the figures of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello and allowed themselves to be questioned by their experience of life. From the “dream at nine years of age”, to the arrival of the first FMA in Patagonia, they were able to observe how the expansion of a great dream took place in a short time.

By retracing some stages of the history of the two Saints, through specially designed comics, they became aware that in each one there is a great dream that is placed in the heart; that it is important to share dreams with friends; and that every dream has itself a mission to accomplish.

On 28 August 2023, during the first round, the girls had the joy of receiving a visit from the Archbishop of Milan, Monsignor Mario Delpini. After a few words of welcome, they read for him an episode from the life of Saint John Bosco and Saint Mary Mazzarello, in which prayer and friendship emerge as fundamental help for the two Saints, still adolescents, to make courageous life choices. In the Eucharistic Celebration, the Archbishop focused precisely on the importance of friendship, underlining how important friends are who know how to give advice that leads to goodness.

In the few days spent together, various ideas were sown. The girls and boys lived a significant experience to reflect on their dreams, to question themselves on how to serve in an increasingly fuller way both in liturgical animation and in everyday life, to get to know Jesus more closely and deepen their friendship with Him.

Fr. Fabio Molon who coordinated the initiative states that, “The Three Days of Altar Servers is confirmation that service at the altar is a door wide open to the experience of faith”.


  1. Grazie per la condivisione di questa esperienza. È nell’ adolescenza che i giovani iniziano a progettare e a sognare la loro vita futura ed è bello che questi ragazzi abbiano avuto modo di confrontarsi con figure gioiose di santità: Don Bosco e Madre Mazzarello.


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