Rome (Italy). The Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sr. Chiara Cazzuola, sends a message to the FMA, the Educating Communities, and the Salesian Family, wishing an Easter of Hope and Resurrection.

Dearest Sisters,

I wish to join you in the solemn celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection to wish you all Easter communicates to us that is beautiful, good, and holy.

The appearance of nature, especially in some parts of the world such as here in Rome, reveals the signs of the incipient Spring. And this beautiful scenario seems to contrast with the climate of suffering, uncertainty, and precariousness in which we are currently living due to the many outbreaks of war, injustice, oppression, violence, persecution, the risk of a nuclear war! But Spring was born from Winter.

Precisely in this context, in this very particular experience, I want to draw on the Gospel of Luke that we will read in the Easter Vigil Lk 24: 1-12. The passage opens with the fearful walk/with the trembling footsteps of the women who in the poor light of dawn, with love and without calculations about the stone, the guards, the dark, the death, go to the tomb to honor the body of the Lord, … but the stone has been removed and the body is gone. They are bewildered! They try to understand what has happened, when two men in dazzling clothes ask them, “Why are you looking for the living one among the dead?” A direct question that is like a reproach and perhaps, also wants to prepare their hearts for the great proclamation, “He is not here. He is risen. Remember how he spoke to you… ”

And the women believe; they believe because they remember and they believe before they see. They have guarded the words of Jesus, because they love them. Only what is important to us lives in us, what is loved for a long time, what is worth more than life lives forever. We read that the faith of the women immediately becomes a proclamation and a story to the eleven and to all the others. The apostles, however, are still incredulous and consider the story of the women a delusion, but they tell it all the same. They are the eyewitnesses that love urges, that makes them fearless.

As for the women at the dawn of Easter, so too for us, the loving memory of the Gospel is the principle for every true encounter with the Risen One who is the King and Lord of our existence and of history.

We cannot help but mention the letter to Ottavia Bussolino in which Mother Mazzarello raises a hymn of love for Jesus, the center of her life, “Never get discouraged because of any adversity. Take everything from the Most Holy Hands of Jesus, place all your trust in Him and hope for everything from Him. … Act in such a way that Jesus can say to you, ‘My daughter, you are dear to me. I am pleased with what you are doing.’ Courage. When you are tired and troubled go and place all your worries in the Heart of Jesus and there you will find solace and comfort.” Mary Domenica thus helps the young Sister to unify her life in love for her sisters and in love for Jesus on a scale of priorities, “Love everyone and all your sisters. Love them always in the Lord, but don’t divide your heart with anyone; let it be totally for Jesus “(L 65,2-3).

Despite the real difficulties of the moment, we discover that the Risen Jesus sows signs of hope in our life and again rolls away the stone of our closures and dullness.

We must not be afraid. HE IS RISEN! The expectations will not remain incomplete, tears will be dried, fears will be overcome by hope. Because the Lord precedes us, He walks ahead of us. And, with Him, life begins again.

Let us live this Sure Hope! Let us live it with love and faith. Let us tell it, like the women of Easter morning! Let us anchor ourselves to this Mystery of light, of glorious and Risen Presence, to Jesus the Lord in profound communion with our sisters, our communities that suffer from war, dangers, difficulties in the various parts of the world.

THE LORD IS RISEN! There is no proclamation that can give more strength to Love’s cry of victory over evil and sin.

To all the FMA, to family members, to the Rector Major Fr. Ángel Fernandez Artime, to the Salesian confreres, to the young people, to the Educating Communities, to lay collaborators and friends, also in the name of the Councilors present and away, with prayer and affection, I wish you a Happy Easter, in the shining light of the Risen One and in the joy of Mary.

Rome, April 15, 2022

Sr. Chiara Cazzuola
Superior General FMA Institute


  1. Grazie, Madre, per il bellissimo augurio pasquale! Ci ha riempito il cuore di speranza, di affetto, di appartenenza. Ci sentiamo profondamente “famiglia” in tutti i sensi possibili! Per questo la nostra preghiera vuole raccogliere in un unico abbraccio te, la famiglia salesiana, tutti i bambini e i giovani del mondo. Grazie! Comunità Madre Mazzarello, Roma

  2. Carissima Madre!
    “In noi vive solo ciò che amiamo, vive a lungo ciò che è molto amato, vive per sempre ciò che vale più della vita.”, dice Lei nel video. Quanta saggezza espressa con tanta semplicità! Un cammino di santità. Dio La benedica e la guidi. L’accompagno con preghiera ed offerta! Grazie di cuore e di tutto!
    sr. Valentina – Croazia

  3. Un grazie di cuore Madre Chiara per il messaggio di speranza ricevuto per la PASQUA.
    Il risorto porti proprio la PACE ,
    Grazie la comunitá delle suore del Collegio Maria Auxiliadora de Manaus Amazonas Brasil

  4. Carissima Madre Chiare e le sorelle del Consiglio,
    Auguri di Buona Pasqua!
    Il Signore risolto continui a accompagnarvi e indircavi il cammino da entraprendere per generare vita ogni giorno!

    Sr Pascaline

  5. Gracia Madre… augurios desde aqui de Guaratinguetá, irmãs da Comunidade NSCarmo. Damos louvores ao Senhor pelos 130 anos de nossa presença aqui nesta cidade. E a senhora toda nossa gratidão e nosso compromisso de comunhão e luta pela defesa da casa comum em sinodalidade. Abraços pascais a todas voces que animam o Instituto de Maria.
    Irmã Elza

  6. Obrigada, querida Madre,
    pelo augúrio pascal que desperta a esperança num mundo que parece permanecer no túmulo da desumanidade. O Senhor Ressuscitado, suscite em todos os corações as melhores energias do bem. Feliz Páscoa! Um grande abraço de suas Irmãs

  7. Carissima Madre, GRAZIE il Signore di ogni cosa benedica Lei con il Suo amore, con la vita piena e abbondante. La gioia della Risurrezione ci riempia di consapevolezza che siamo figli della Luce che vince, vince sempre.

    Con la preghiera e augurio di BUONA PASQUA!
    Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice della comunità di Pieszyce PLA

  8. Ir. Graça 16 Abril 2022


  9. Sempre grande è LA SPERANZA che vai accendendo nei cuori e la gioia. Grazie MADRE CHIARA e BUONA PASQUA anche a nome di quei nostri “ragazzi” che tu conosci.


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