Rome (Italy). Sr. María del Rosario García Ribas is the Vicar General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

The election took place on the morning of 6 October 2021. All the Chapter members and the Sisters of the FMA Generalate Community congratulated her. A warm applause greeted the official proclamation.

Sr. María del Rosario García Ribas was born on 22 January  1961 in Seville (Spain). She lived her adolescence and youth, first in her school, the Salesian School of Mary Help of Christians in the Nervión district of her city, and then as an animator at the Oratory, participating fully in many pastoral initiatives while following a Degree in History. Gradually, this Salesian atmosphere conquered her and helped her to discover her vocation.

She made her first profession on 5 August 1986 and since then the Lord has given her the possibility of being a happy FMA among young women and Sisters, in the mission that has always been entrusted to her.

In the 1993-94 academic year, she studied at the Salesian Pontifical University of Rome – UPS, and from 1994 to 2000 she was Provincial Coordinator of Youth Ministry in  Mary Help of Christians Province, based in Seville, where she was also Provincial from 2003 to 2009.

She was Animator of the houses of Jerez – Maria Ausiliatrice and Sevilla – San José (Mary Help of Christians  School). In the following years, she was part of the community of Marbella (Malaga), where she was a teacher and coordinated the pastoral care of the two Salesian schools in this city. She combined this task with her responsibility as Provincial Councilor for Formation. She actively participated as a member of the “Europe-Middle East on the way” commission of the FMA Institute.

In August 2017, with the unification of the four Spanish Provinces, she was appointed Provincial of the newly born Province of Mary Help of Christians of Spain, a mission which she carried out until her appointment on 6 October 2021 in the XXIV General Chapter as Vicar General.

She lives life as a gift, especially daily life. She likes the word ‘thank you’ and everything it means. Today it is the whole FMA Institute that says THANK YOU for your availability for this new service that the Lord asks of you.


  1. Querida Sor María del Rosario: reciba nuestra felicitación y alegría por haber aceptado el delicado servicio como Vicaria de nuestro Instituto. Ofrecemos nuestra oración fraterna y la encomendamos a la Sta. Virgen cuyo nombre porta.
    Hermanas de la Provincia Antillana

  2. Carissma Sr. Maria, Congratulazioni e auguri di preghiera da tutte le sorelle di INK Bangalore. Grazie mille per il suo sì. Vi assicuriamo le nostre preghiere. Che Dio ti benedica e ti guidi. Prego molto per Lei.

  3. Oggi giorno della memoria della Beata Maria Vergine de rosario, con Lei il nostro augurio Nella tua nuova missione nella congregazione. Il rosario sara per noi un luogo del incontro con la Vergine Maria alle tue intenzione. Sentici vicine!
    (Sr Georgette Musumba AFC)

  4. Carissima Sr Maria del Rosario

    Siamo felici per la sua nomina come Vicaria generale del nostro Istituto. Tutte le sorelle dell’Ispettoria “Madre di Dio” dell’Africa Occidentale si fanno vicine nella preghiera di azione di grazie a Dio. Proprio in questo mese del Rosario che ha dato il suo “Si” . La ringraziamo e l’accompagniamo con tanta preghiera. Siamo grate del lavoro che sta facendo nei cuori dei capitolari e siamo vedendo i buoni frutti. Il suo nome “Maria del Rosario” ha molto senso in questo mese dedicato alla Madonna del Rosario.
    Siamo nella gioia e auguriamo una feconda missione perché possiamo come Istituto al servizio della Chiesa essere “testimoni di un ideale di comunione fraterna” Il Signore le benedica e che Maria Ausiliatrice l’accompagni nel quotidiano perché il vino buono di Cana si riversi sull’Istituto, la Chiesa e soprattutto sui giovani.
    Auguri sinceri !

  5. Tout est grâce dans la vie de l’homme, Que le Seigneur Lui-même qui vous appel à nouveau pour cette charge, vous donnera les moyens pour l’accomplir. Merci oui.

  6. Anche a te, sr. Maria del Rosario, la mia partecipazione ad accoglierti come Vicaria nel nostro Istituto.
    A te, il fraterno augurio di generoso contributo all’animazione dell’Istituto e al nostro accompagnamento vocazionale-missionario insieme a Madre Chiara, le altre sorelle consigliere, con la ricchezza del contributo carismatico trasmesso dall’inizio con la testimonianza attuale dell’amata Madre Yvonne


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