Roma (Italia). ‘Moved by Hope’: “Behold, I make all things new.” (Rev 21:5). This is the title of  Strenna 2021 which will be presented on 26 December 2020 by Don Bosco’s 10th Successor, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, SDB.

The message of  Strenna 2021 is a solicitation to Hope: “in the face of the painful reality with its difficult consequences, we continue to express the certainty of being moved by hope, because God in His Spirit continues to make all things new.”  Don Bosco himself experienced difficult situations, such as the cholera epidemic, without losing hope, indeed, urging us to act with resourcefulness and optimism.

The Rector Major proposes a Salesian reading of the present time, to undertake educational paths and actions capable of bringing about a change in values and vision, always letting ourselves be accompanied by Mary, Mother of God, Star of Hope.

The presentation event on 26 December 2020, due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 Pandemic, provides for the sharing of Strenna 2021 with a group of Daughters of Mary Help of Christians at 16:00.

At 18:00 there will take place in live streaming on the Facebook page of ANSthe worldwide screening of the video of the Strenna with comments in five languages. After the screening of the video, an interview with the Rector Major will follow, who will deepen the main themes and contents of the Strenna’s message.

 “Mary’s Yes to God awakens every hope for humanity.”


  1. Il messaggio della Strenna 2021 è una sollecitazione alla Speranza. è molto opportuno e adatto al nostro tempo, bisogno vivere nella Speranza perché solo in Gesù che ci sostiene, ci invita a sollevarci, e non solo con la mano tesa, ma anche con lo sguardo comprensivo che dà dignità.
    Grazie Rettor Maggiore per la sua riflessione di Padre che ci invita ad essere segno di speranza per la nostra umanità che sta affrontando il grande sofferenza del Covid-19.

  2. Hasta hoy hemos podido ver y gozar al escuchar el Aguinaldo y las preguntas hechas de algunas partes del mundo todas tan interesantes e iluminadoras, no hay duda que tenemos un gran Rector Mayor. Siempre se dirige con cariño a los jóvenes y a la Familia Salesiana. Es un Padre que se conmueve al ver la acción esperanzadora de sus hermanos para con tantos niños, jóvenes y adultos necesitados de atención, alimento, techo, educación. Felices nosotras de pertenecer a tan gran familia y como dijo él, a la santidad vivida por tantos hermanos que nos han precedido. Gracias Don Ángel.


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