Rome (Italy) On 24 May 2024, on the occasion of the Solemnity of Mary Help of Christians, Maria Dina Bertotti, teacher of religion and author of various musical meditations, among others those inspired by the life of Mother Mazzarello and Mother Caterina Daghero, proposes her testimony as author of the text of the song, “I will give you the Teacher” (Text: Maria Dina Bertotti, Music: Luca Canneto).

When it was proposed to me, I perceived a theme, a title that I immediately liked. I was asked to turn it into a song that could introduce from time to time the Formation Course online on Mary proposed by the Salesian Family Sector of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, in collaboration with the Pontifical Faculty of Education Science «Auxilium» to deepen and revitalize the Marian dimension of the Charism.

“I will give you the Teacher”, a highly evocative title, which takes us back to another important date in Salesian history: the two hundred years of the dream “at the nine years of age”, a programmatic dream that guided John Bosco’s whole life.

Mary has been and still is Teacher, sure protection in the adversities of life, wise educator who through the pedagogy of the heart teaches us the authenticity of the encounter and leads us to the Lord. “Secure refuge her mantle… certainty of paradise!”

Mary has embraced the entire horizon of the biblical experience, continuing to be an important point of reference also in the tradition and in the Magisterium of the Church. Precisely for this reason, I have called her “Handmaid of the Lord” and “Morning Star”, the star that accompanies humanity until the dawn of the new day. Ancient names come down to us are rich in so much poetry and devotion.

Mary took John Bosco by the hand, showed him his field, showed him the way. She made herself a precious presence and confidant for him… The Mother!

And gratitude could not but be born! Great and visible gratitude! The “living monument” that are her Daughters who in every part of the world honor her and invoke her as a powerful Mother and Help of Christians.

The commitment is renewed and is embodied in today. For this reason, “we ask to love with Your own heart as burning torches of fraternity.”

May each one feel this word strongly. “I will give you the Teacher!” It is the certainty of not being alone anymore.


  1. Thank you for this beautiful song! Mary is indeed our mother, teacher and guide in our journey to holiness……


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