Hlaing Thar Yar (Myanmar). On January 6, 2020, the new Saint John Bosco House of the Community of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians was blessed in Hlaing Thar Yar – Myanmar in Mary Our Help Province, Cambodia-Myanmar (CMY).

Casa FMA a Hlaing Thar Yar - Myanmar “If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do the builders labor” (Ps 126). The Psalm verse resounded in the joyful and grateful hearts of those present during the blessing of the new House of Saint John Bosco Community in Hlaing Thar Yar – Myanmar. The Lord has suggested to generous benefactors to make a gift of a new house that will welcome young women and children in Hlaing Thar Yar. The ceremony was presided over by Fr. Carlo Travaglino and Fr. Giordano Piccinotti, SDB of Don Bosco in the World Works Foundation, who helped realize the dream of promoting the education of children, young people, and poor families in a safer and more dignified place.

At the blessing ceremony were present the Provincial, Sr. Jessica Salvaña FMA, the Animators and Representatives of the Communities of Myanmar, Father William Matthews, SDB, Provincial of Australia – AUL, Fr. Bosco Yar Aung, SDB, Vicar of the SDB Province of Myanmar, Fr. Michael Tuling, SDB, Pastor of Hlaing Thar Yar, Fr. Edward Sein Myint, SDB, Fr. Peter Louis, SDB, Fr. Leo Maung, SDB, and other guests. After the blessing ceremony, there was the Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Fr. Michael Tuling, SDB.

After the Eucharistic celebration, the children of the nursery school, after school care, and of catechesis performed some gratitude dances and songs. At the end, Sister Jessica gave the benefactors the plaques of recognition with a message of gratitude for the support and contribution in offering adequate facilities, which will give children and young women a place where they can receive an integral education and formation. Fr. Carlo addressed the children saying that “his heart is full of joy because he was able to give the children of Hlaing Thar Yar the inheritance received from his family already in heaven.”

Everyone expressed gratitude to the Lord for His continuous goodness and providence experienced in daily life, and on this occasion in particular for the blessing of the new House and the new Center.

The festivities ended with a time of fraternal conviviality and the lunch prepared and served by the students of the Hotel School of the Auxilium Community of Yangon. “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, because His love lasts forever” (Ps 135).


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