Bogotá (Colombia). The Provinces of Colombia, the land in which the World Feast of Gratitude Day 2023 will take place on 26 April 2023 in Bogota, on the website, provides the itinerary available to the FMA Communities and Educating Communities to prepare for the event.
In Circular no. 1026, Mother Chiara Cazzuola says: “I thank the four Provinces of Colombia who are preparing, in a beautiful experience of communion, the World Feast of Gratitude which will take place in Bogotá, on April 26. The theme chosen: With Mary we generate a culture of peace, stems from reflection on the time in which we are living. In fact, more than thirty wars are underway in the world and peace is threatened in many ways. The theme is illuminated by the word of God “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Mt 5 :9) and it is an explicit invitation not to tire of building peace, of generating a culture of peace.”
From biblical enlightenment arise three stages that accompany all the Provinces of the world to live this month in view of the Feast of Gratitude.
This is the theme of the first stage of the Salesian enlightenment, from 26 March to 5 April, in which the origin of the “Hail Mary for peace at home”, introduced in the Institute of Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in July 1875. We will be united by the gesture that will accompany our grateful prayer for Mother Chiara, the commitment to be generators of peace in the “inner house” of our heart.
A video, helps to enter the theme of the week, to know the charismatic origins of the Hail Mary for peace and the importance of maintaining inner peace.
The texts available on the site can offer ideas for communities to experience, during the week, celebratory or formation moments in preparation for the Feast.
Starting from 26 March, a special Entrustment to Mary will be prayed in all the Provinces, available in the resources of the site in five languages.
Gesture of peace: Le The Provinces of the world, invited to share with Mother Chiara and with the whole Institute the commitment to generate a culture of peace, are already sending the photograph with the caption expressing the actions or ways in which they are contributing to build peace. Each gesture of peace is visible on the Feast website.
“What, then, are we asked to do? Above all, to allow our hearts to change, that is, to allow God to transform our usual criteria for interpreting the world and reality during this historical moment” (Pope Francis).
Querida Madre Chiara,
Felicidades en esta Dia de gratitude.
Con mucho carino y oraciones!
Sr. Margaret Natal, fma
Carissima Madre Chiara,
noi Exallievi del Triveneto desideriamo farLe giungere il nostro Grazie con affetto e riconoscenza per il dono del carisma salesiano ricevuto che nella nostra quotidianità ci invita ad essere segni credibili dell’amore di Dio.
Grazie per questo itinerario di pace..
Bello! Avanti grazie Signore. lode e gloria a te o Signore. nella tua pace è la mia gioia .Vieni a salvarci o Signore pietà di noi.