Castelgandolfo (Italy) From 4 July to 18 July, in the time of the Pandemic of Covid-19, fourteen FMA Temporary Professed – twelve from the Preprovince Mother of the Church (RMC) and two from the Generalate – met to live the formative experience of the Second Novitiate, in preparation for Perpetual Profession, at Casa S. Rosa da Lima in Castelgandolfo, of the Roman Province of St. John Bosco (IRO). Five FMA lived the experience of the first month of preparation and nine that of the second month.

In an atmosphere of prayer and reflection, the FMA prepared to review their vocational journey to discover the signs of God working in their history. They deepened the experience of the spousal covenant with Christ,  and the community dimension of their life.  They renewed their passion for young people to be, at the school of Mary, mediation of the charity of Christ the Good Shepherd.

Sister Maria del Carmen Canales Calzadilla, Superior of the RMC Preprovince, introduced the experience and was present in the concluding part for the final verification. The days were coordinated by the Vicar and Referent for Formation, Sister Anna Maria Trotti.

The biblical figure who accompanied the journey of the five sisters of the first month of the Second Novitiate was that of the prophet Elijah, with the reference verse: “And behold, the Lord passed by” (1Kg 19: 11-18). For the nine sisters of the second month of the second Novitiate, it was the Canticle of Mary that guided their steps towards the “Yes forever”: “My soul magnifies the Lord, my spirit exults in God, my Savior” (Lk 1: 39 to 46).

Some FMAs as presenters, offered the contents of the different days in an experiential and laboratory way. A significant amount of time was dedicated to group sharing, as well as to the spirit of the family spirit and fraternal communion that characterized the other moments lived.

The sense of belonging to the Institute was renewed with the presence at the ‘Goodnights’ of the Councilor for Youth Ministry, Sister Runita Borja; of the Councilor for Administration, Sister Vilma Tallone; of the Secretary General, Sister Piera Cavaglià; of the Vicar General, Sister Chiara Cazzuola; and of the Councilor for Formation, Sister Maria Nieves Reboso, who also made herself available for personal encounters. The FMA Temporary Professed underlined their gratitude for the time they dedicated to them and for the prayers with which they feel accompanied.

In the final evaluation, they expressed their gratitude to the Lord and to the one who organized and offered this time of study and of prayer.  The FMA of the second month of the Second Novitiate will have the opportunity of spending some days at Mornese (AL) from 24 to 27 July, where the encounter with Mother Mazzarello will help them to mature their definitive commitment further.


  1. Sono FELICE CON VOI NELLA VOSTRA “SI PER SEMPRE” AL SIGNORE A MORNESE Care sorelle! saro presente spiritualmente per dire “Amen”! Unite in preghiera!

  2. Félicitation mes sœurs, nous vous accompagnons avec nos prières. C’est beau d’être F.M.A., car la joie de notre cœur vient de Lui, Jésus ! Jésus est notre TOUT et sous le regard bienfaisant de Marie Auxiliatrice nous sommes en bon chemin vers la mission qui nous est confié. Bon courage et joie profonde d’être tout au Seigneur. sr Rosa

  3. Sono contenta per voi, carissime sorelle! Il Signore continue in voi cio che ha cominciato; la Madonna vi accompagni e sostenga il vostro “Si” definitivo alla chiamata del Signore! Unite in preghiera.


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