Rome (Italy). Sr. Liliana María Montaño Díaz, Delegate of the Colombian Province of Our Lady of the Snow – Bogotá (CBM) is the youngest Chapter member and is participating in the Chapter for the first time. She has 17 years of religious profession and in the Province she is a Provincial Councilor and Community Animator in the House of Formation Bl. Laura Vicuña where there are young people in the period of verification and guidance and postulants. The FMA also carry out Oratorian activities, catechesis in the parish and in the school.
Sr. Liliana shares the expectations and dreams for GC XXIV.
“I feel that General Chapter XXIV, so prepared for, so desired, so accompanied by prayer and offering, is for everyone the gift of a heart available to welcome the Grace that the Lord grants to the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.
First of all, I dream that this will be an entirely Marian Chapter, that Mary’s maternal presence may guide every encounter as in the life of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. That She will be the one who leads us by the hand to Jesus, to present to Him once again the reality that we are living, with its challenges and its possibilities, that we may be ready to listen together to what He wants us to do, so that the miracle of being communities that generate life may be accomplished.
I dream that this Chapter will truly be a time for everyone to renew the profound joy of vocation and to choose once again and decide for the children and young people most in need, to be there where they are, with great missionary ardor, with the authentic Salesian spirit of listening, closeness, accompaniment, and creative love, ready for anything for their salvation.
I dream that we may continue with simplicity and humility, the synodal journey with which we carried out the preparation, being attentive to the signs of the Spirit in His Word, in what each sister shares that it may be a reflection of the Provinces, of the richness and suffering of our own peoples, of the very life of the young people and of the laity with whom we share the mission. That in this reciprocal listening all together, we will be able to open ourselves to the newness that the Lord wants to grant us at this time to live today the generative power of the Salesian charism.
Finally, that it may be a Chapter lived in an attitude of gratitude and joyful obedience.
Gratitude… for the action of God and the wonders He works at every moment, for the miracle of being here together and in communion.
Thank you… to Mother and the Council Sisters who gave themselves for the good of the Institute.
Thank you… for the available and generous Yes of the Sisters who will assume the service of animation and government in the style of Mary.
And an attitude of joyful obedience to ‘do what Jesus tells us’, to set out on the road and be inspired by concrete decisions and actions in every educating community”.
Gracias mil por compartir con todas este acto salvifico que estáis viviendo en estos momentos gracias mil
Escuchamos tu entrevista y nos unimos a tus expectativas, sueños, augurios y agradecimientos. Nos sentimos bien representadas y te auguramos lo mejor en este tiempo de reflexión y discernimiento.
Estamos muy contentas de poder seguir el desarrollo del C.G y continuamos orando para que en cada una de ustedes actúe con libertad la fuerza Regeneradora del Espíritu, y puedan discernir la voluntad de Dios ,que la Santísima Virgen siga acompañando cada uno de sus pasos.
Muito obrigada pelo testemunho desta irmã mais jovem do Capítulo Geral. É para nós uma alegria e sinal de esperança ??????
Que as luzes do Santo Espirito continue iluminando todas as pessoas que se encontram no Capitulo e faça florir e dar muitos frutos de amor, alegria e entusiasmo.
Felicitaciones Sor Liliana por tu participación al Capítulo…tus aportes son muy importantes psra el futuro del Instituto.
Conta con mi oración.
Sor Liliana, gracias por lo que dices y tienes en el corazón para la vivencia del CGXXIV
Que bueno que este una hermana joven llena de esperanza como Sor Liliana. Felicitaciones que el Espiritu la acompañe siempre y su aporte refresque la vida carismática del Instituto. Un abrazo y oraciones de gratitud desde Ecuador.
Sor Liliana… Gracias por estar ahí, tu palabra es elocuente y concreta, qué bueno!!! Desde tu juventud y tu profundidad espiritual aporta en todo momento al desarrollo del Capítulo. Te abraza mi oración.
gracias Hnas. las sentos muy cerca la distancias no afecta cuando cuando el cariño y el amor de Dios estan presentes oramos para el Espiritu Santo las asista siempre