Rome (Italy). In preparation for the month of May, dedicated to Mary, the Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sr. Chiara Cazzuola, in Circular No. 1027 shares a reflection on the presence of Mary in the life of the FMA and in the history of the Institute, and on the charismatic importance of praying the Rosary:
The Marian reference, precious legacy of the Founders, illuminates our identity as Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. It is not a matter of simple devotion, but rather of a presence from which derives a clear approach to life, in close connection with the educational mission: “to be like her ‘helpers’ especially among the young” (C 4); “We feel Mary present in our lives and entrust ourselves totally to her” (C 4).
Drawing on the sources, Mother underlines the presence and role of Our Lady in the life of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello for their spiritual and apostolic growth and the choice, for their sons and daughters, to indicate her as a luminous model of self-giving to God and to others and of self-giving in an apostolic action that generates life and hope for all, especially for the young men and women entrusted to them.
Recalling the articles of the Constitutions, she then specifies the style of Marian prayer and the ecclesial and charismatic value of the daily Rosary, a clear expression of our call to be in the Church, with Mary and like Mary, “sign and expression of God’s foreseeing love” for young people (cf. C 1).
Rediscover the prayer of the Rosary
Although it is a form of prayer encouraged by Pope Francis and his predecessors, in which “the people of God express their love and devotion to the Virgin Mary with particular intensity”, and it was once normal to pray the Rosary with one’s family, for many reasons it seems to be forgotten today.
With a certain concreteness, Mother Chiara highlights some characteristics that make it a fundamental and particularly effective prayer, especially in the most difficult situations:
It is a prayer that allows us to reflect, to re-read the life of Jesus and the presence of Mary in the various mysteries. It is a prayer that we can pronounce even when we are tired and that we can always offer, especially in difficult moments in history, addressing our invocation to the Lord for particular intentions, for the family, the Church, society, peace in the world. (…) With the prayer of the Rosary each one receives, from the hands of the Mother, the Grace and graces needed to face the journey of life.
Persevering in prayer with Mary and like Mary
The presence of Mary leads and guides the lives of the Founders at every moment. Both live devotion to the Virgin in a very special way, so much so that Don Bosco considered the Rosary “one of the aspects of his educational practice that he considered indispensable”. Mother Mazzarello, for her part, “Never neglected the prayer of the Rosary with which she constantly turned her heart and thoughts to Mary Help of Christians, the true Superior of the Institute. And, like Don Bosco, she often repeated, “Have great confidence in Our Lady, she will help you in all things” (L 23, 3).
Prayer of the heart
Starting from an expression of Pope Francis written on Twitter, “The Rosary is the prayer of my heart, the prayer that always accompanies my life.”, Mother Chiara expresses her wish for all the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians:
I wish each of us could say the same, “The Rosary is the prayer of my heart, the prayer that always accompanies my life”.
After having recalled some experiences of Saints including the Founders, regarding the power of prayer to Mary, Mother and wise Teacher, from whom to learn the secret of interior unification between being and doing, between faith and works, between prayer and work, between service to God and educational service to young people, Mother concludes the Circular with a wish:
I hope that reading and deepening the theme of this Circular will help us to re-motivate and renew with creative fidelity, personally and as a community, filial love for Mary through the Rosary, and will support us in animating young people and families to this simple and concrete form of prayer and contemplation.
In concluding, she ensures prayer and remembrance on 24 May in Turin, in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, for each FMA, for all the Educating Communities, and for the peace that the world urgently needs.
Bendito sea Dios.
Carissima Madre Chiara,
con tanta gioia ho seguito la bella festa del Grazie en Colombia. Voglio agiungere il mio grazie di cuore per la tua generosa, serena e gioiosa donazione al Istituto.
Ti riccordo ogni giorno nella mia preghiera e lo faccio anche con le sorelle della mia comunitá. Dio ti benedica e aiuti a continuare a essere transparenza de suo amore per tutte noi.
Con tanto affetto.
Sr. M. Lourdes Pino
Il Rosario è una forma di meditazione, semplice ma veramente concreta, un modo per rientrare in se stessi. Bella qsta circolare su una preghiera così cara alla tradizione cristiana, grazie