Rome (Italy). On 9 October 2021,  elected Visiting Councilor of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians is Sr. Phyllis Neves.

The Councilors delegated by the Superior General to visit the FMA Institute have the task of promoting a constructive and continuous relationship between the Provinces and the Superior General and her Council and valid collaboration between the various provincial communities.

Through their service they will seek to offer the General Council a better knowledge of the reality of the Institute, strengthening apostolic work, and valuing the different cultures, completely faithful to the Church and to Don Bosco. (C 132)

Warm applause greeted the official proclamation.


  1. Congratulations dear Sr. Phyllis !
    Happy to know that you are re-elected and hope to see you visiting our province.
    May our Blessed Mother accompany you
    With assurance of our prayers.

  2. Congratulations, Dear Sr. Phyllis! Continue to count on our prayerful support from our little piece of paradise in Corralitos!

  3. AUGURI sr Phyllis
    A nome di tutto il LIBANO
    dalla tua amica sr Sylvana Khairallah
    Unione di preghiera

  4. Congratulations dear Sr. Phyllis! We wish you all the very best and we assure you of our prayers for your mission. Sr.Josephine Rani Susai and Sisters of Anmarudai community. INM.

  5. Felicidades Sor Phyllis. Damos gracias al Señor por tu “Sí” renovado.
    Cuenta con nuestra oración desde la Provincia Antillana.

  6. Sr. Geogette, ti ricordi di Sr. Maria la tua assistente, quando eri bambina, alla Kafubu ? Quanta gioia per me sentire che ora fai parte del Consiglio Superiore per il bene dell’ Istituto !
    Io sono ormai anziana, non più molto attiva nell’ apostolato diretto , ma ti assicuro che il mio cuore è sempre missionario e prego molto , soprattutto per la mia cara Africa che, purtroppo ho lasciato presto a causa della salute.
    Cara Sr. Georgette, spero vederti prima di andare in Paradiso……..!
    Ti faccio tanti auguri di tanta bontà e di fecondo apostolato. Ciao Ti abbraccio forte. Sr. Maria


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