Nizza Monferrato (Italy). On 24 February 2024, in Nizza Monferrato, Asti, at the Institute of Our Lady of Grace of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of Mary Help of Christians Province (IPI), the Conference is held, “Mother Catherine Daghero: from Nizza to the world with far-sighted perspectives”.
The Conference is one of the initiatives to celebrate the Centenary of her death, which is February 26 (1924-2024). The objective of the Conference, attended by the Vicar General of the FMA Institute, Sister María del Rosario García Ribas, the Councilor for Formation, Sister Nilza Fátima de Moraes, the Provincials of Europe and the Middle East, the Novice Formators from all over the world, is to involve the FMA and many people in remembering her and studying her figure from the historical, charismatic, and institutional point of view.
Mother Catherine Daghero (1856-1924), first successor of St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello, guiding the Institute at the age of only 25, governed with wisdom and maternity, fulfilling the role of faithful and creative mediation between the first generation of the FMA and those following.
From Nizza Monferrato, where Mother Mazzarello and the first sisters had settled on 4 February 1879, she was able to consolidate the “spirit of Mornese” by giving it worldwide diffusion and irradiation.
The day begins at 10:30 with greetings from the authorities and with the first interventions, moderated by Giuseppe Baldino, historian of the territory:
- The life and mission of Mother Catherine Daghero – Sister Piera Cavaglià, Animator of the FMA community.
- “Seeing with your own eyes”. From Nizza to the Holy Land and America – Sister Maria Concetta Ventura, professor of Letters and history researcher.
The afternoon continues with:
- Mother Catherine Daghero and the extra-domestic work of women – Sister Grazia Loparco, professor of Church History at the Pontifical Faculty of Science of Education “Auxilium” in Rome.
- From the Letters: a wise and maternal guide of the FMA Institute – Sister Maria Concetta Ventura.
- The Past Pupils of Nizza in the heart of Mother Catherine Daghero – Sister Paola Cuccioli, in charge of the Interprovincial Historical Archive.
There follows: “Journey” in words and music in the heart of Mother Catherine Daghero, of San Bernardo Choir of Novara, directed by Maria Dina Bertotti.
The Conference ends with the concluding Message of Sister Piera Ruffinatto, Dean of the Faculty “Auxilium” and compatriot of Mother Daghero.
This important event, which will be followed on 8 June 2024 in the FMA Generalate in Rome, by another Conference entitled, “The long government of an educational institute” (1881-1924), is certainly an opportunity to study the figure of a Sister who was defined “the dearest of Mothers“. She had to face great and sometimes painful changes, such as the separation of the Institute from the Salesian Congregation, requested by the Holy See after the issuing of the Normae secundum quas (1901).
A woman who did not lack faith and boldness. Just think that “During her government, the Institute obtained recognition of papal right and initiated the cause of beatification of Mother Mazzarello. With the valuable collaboration of the General Councilors, with bold faith, she continued to send the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians to the most distant places of mission, so much so that, at her death, the Institute was present in 34 nations of 4 Continents. She herself made over 400 trips, America included, with the desire to ‘see for herself’ and be with her daughters with motherliness and understanding, having clear the goal of the mission to be reached with open-minded and courageous determination” (Circular n° 1035).
! Que bien que se honre a Sor Catalina Daghero, una gran figura que marcó nuestros orígenes! Ojalá y podamos disfrutar del material del congreso.