Rome (Italy). The opening of the XXIV General Chapter, which took place on 17 September 2021, enthusiastically set in motion the path of the Chapter Assembly by activating a work that is becoming more intense every day. The methodology for GC XXIV  as indicated by the Working Instrument, starts from the theme of the Chapter and from the objective that we intend to achieve together to “be communities that generate new life in the heart of contemporaneity.”

The journey of reflection and study of the three nuclei of the chapter theme is preceded by a biblical and charismatic study on the theme of the Wedding at Cana. The reflection on each nucleus, on a personal level and in prayer, is then shared within the Commissions and Sub-commissions, letting oneself be guided by the three steps of community discernment: Recognize, Interpret, Choose.

The Commissions are communities of life that experience sharing, listening, constructive dialogue, thinking together, and discernment.  After the sharing and dialogue in the Commissions and Sub-commissions, the fruit of their work is shared in the Assembly.

The main Chapter Commissions

The Central Coordination Commission, of which the Superior General is President, is made up of the Moderator of the Chapter, four General Councilors, the Moderators and  Presidents of the Commissions. Its specific task is to take care of the connections between the various Commissions and take into consideration suggestions and initiatives relating to the progress of the work.

The Chapter Study Commissions correspond to the reflection, sharing, and work groups to which all the Chapter members belong, with a proportionate number of members and according to criteria of representation. They constitute the space for study, sharing, and research together on the theme and various topics of the Chapter. Five Commissions have been set up, each with its own President, Vice-President, and Secretary elected from among them. Each Commission is made up of 34 Chapter members to facilitate the work and for a richer sharing on the theme of the Chapter, and each is divided into 3 Sub-commissions. There are 15 Sub-commissions.

The Regulation Commission is composed of 5 members. The Commission is responsible for ensuring that the Regulations are observed during the Chapter; make a possible revision at the end of the Chapter on the basis of the proposals received for the purpose; present the amendments to the Regulations for approval at the Assembly, and entrust them to the General Council for final drafting in view of the next General Chapter.

The Commission for the Revision of Proposals, composed of 10 members, is responsible for examining the proposals received from the Provinces, submitting them to the Study Commissions, and then discussing and approving them in the Assembly.

The Commission for the Drafting of the Chapter Document is composed of 8 members and has the task of gathering reflections on the Chapter theme and the experience of the Chapter; drawing up a draft document to be submitted to the Assembly; delivering to the President the approved text for the drafting of the Acts of  General Chapter XXIV.

The Communication Commission composed of 5 members, in collaboration with the Social Communication Sector, facilitates the narration of the chapter experience with clear and proactive information on institutional channels: Website and Social Networks.

A special role of great responsibility is entrusted to the Moderators of the Chapter. They are chosen by  Mother and her Council in number four. They have the function of regulating in turn the discussions of the Plenary Assemblies. Together with  Mother and the Moderator, they constitute the Presidency of the GC.

During the Chapter, the task of the Secretary and her Collaborators is also fundamental. They are responsible for drawing up the Minutes of the individual plenary meetings and reading the minutes of the assembly sessions for approval.

Each Commission internally elects one of its members to be part of the group of Scrutineers, who will alternate according to need, for the voting operations required at various chapter moments.

The chapter assembly collaborates with a group of Translators who accompany all the moments of the assembly meetings with simultaneous translation in English, Portuguese, Spanish.


  1. las felicitamos por toda esta labor organizativa que cada una con seguridad lleva a cabo con entereza y las seguimos acompañando con la oración


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