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Pre-Chapter Assembly CIMAC

(Mexico, Antilles, and Central America). On 15 February  2021, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Interprovincial Conference of Mexico, Antilles, and Central America - CIMAC...

Connected to prevent bullying and cyberbullying

On 22 February 2021, the Connected Project for the prevention of bullying and cyberbullying was presented at "Sacred Heart Institute" of the FMA in Ruvo of Puglia (Bari, Italy).

Pre-Chapter Assembly CINAB

(South America). On 2 February  2021, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Interprovincial Conference of Bolivarian Nations - CINAB was held online to share in-depth...

Pastoral visit of Cardinal Fridolin – RD Congo

From 2 to 10 February 2021, Cardinal Ambongo Besungu Fridolin, Metropolitan Archbishop of Kinshasa, carried out the pastoral visit to three dioceses of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

A Compass for reorientation

The FMA Kompas (Compass) Project, of the Slovak Province SLK, offers an ear and a heart that listens to those in need.

World Day of Social Justice

World Day of Social Justice is celebrated on 20 February 2021, with the theme: "A call for social justice in the digital economy".

A Webinar on Education and Sustainable Development Goals

On February 6, 2021, an international webinar was held organized by Auxilium College in Vellore (India) on the theme: "Innovative ideas for integrating SDG objectives into education".

Lent: we draw the living water of hope

Lent is a journey of conversion in which to renew faith, draw the ‘living water’ of hope, and receive the love of God which transforms us into brothers and sisters in Christ.


Rome (Italy). February 14, 2021. The FMA Institute on its way to the 150th anniversary of the #FMA Institute. CAMINANDO CON MARÍA is the title...

Pre-chapter Assembly CICSAL

(Latin America). On 13 February  2021, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Interprovincial Conference of Cono South of Latin America - CICSAL was held online....

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