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ECOSAM meeting in Guadalajara – Mexico

Guadalajara (Mexico). From 5 to 8 May 2024, the meeting of the Social Communications Team of the Americas - ECOSAM was held in Guadalajara,...

“For a Generative Animation” – Seminar CICSAL

Santiago (Chile). In an atmosphere of celebration and fraternity, on 8 March 2024, on the International Women’s Day, in Santiago, at Sacred Heart Retreat...

AI Communication Coordinators Meetings

Rome (Italy). In the first days of January 2024, online meetings were held for the Coordinators of the Interprovincial Conferences, held by the Communication...

Youth Ministry listening to young people: meetings CINAB, CICSAL, CIMAC

Rome (Italy). With the commitment to listening to young people, undertaken for the six-year period 2022-2027, the Youth Ministry Sector of the Institute of...


Dal 3 al 5 maggio 2023 si è svolto a Cordoba, Argentina, l'incontro annuale dei Dirigenti Scolastici del Settore Scuola SEPSUR di CICSAL e CONO SUR.

Meeting of Provincials of Southern Cone of America

Il 4 maggio 2023, a Cordoba, le Ispettrici FMA della CICSAL e gli Ispettori dell’area Cono Sud d’America si sono incontrati per condividere i temi della Pastorale Giovanile e della Scuola.

ECOSAM: Evaluation and planning

Montevideo (Uruguay). From 17 to 21 April 2023, the meeting of the ECOSAM Social Communication Coordination Team of the Americas was held in Montevideo,...

YP Coordinators Meeting – CICSAL-CIMAC-CINAB

Rome (Italy). On 18 February 2023, the online meeting of the Provincial Coordinators for Youth Ministry of the Interprovincial Conferences of America - CIMAC,...

Opening of the CICSAL Novitiate of Alta Gracia – Argentina

Alta Gracia (Argentina). On 2 February 2023, on the Day of Consecrated Life, the Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary...

Animation that generates life

Córdoba (Argentina). On 1 February 2023, after the inauguration of the Laura Vicuña unified Province, the Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters...

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