Rome (Italy). In the shared reflection during the winter plenum with the General Council and in the face of the worsening international situation, with a Letter, the Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sr. Chiara Cazzuola, invites the FMA and the Educating Communities to pray together a Rosary for peace in the world on 12 March 2022, which will be broadcast in live streaming.
Dearest Sisters and members of the Educating Communities,
We carry in our hearts the conviction that peace is built with peace. Only a process of reconciliation based on respect for the rights and duties of each citizen and of each of the parties can lead to peace. Education and the proclamation of the Gospel that enlightens the mind, changes the heart, and moves the will to the common good is increasingly the way we want to spend ourselves “to the last breath”. In this historical moment, more timely than ever is Don Bosco’s program of educating “Good Christians and honest citizens”.
As believers, we are called to denounce evil in any form and in any situation that it manifests itself, but we are also required to favor, always and in any case, forgiveness, reconciliation, and above all, the honest and sincere recognition of sin (starting with those personal) which contributes to the spread of evil and violence.
I thank all of you for the many forms of solidarity and support for the population and communities of the Sisters of Ukraine. Prayer unites us and nourishes hope, helping us to find concrete and constructive ways to foster peace and reconciliation.
With the Sisters of the Council, I propose that you pray the Holy Rosary together at 13:00 (Italian time) on Saturday 12 March. We will pray for peace and for an end to hostilities in every part of the world. It will be yet another public and unanimous manifestation of our trust in the powerful intercession of Mary Help of Christians, of our educational commitment to peace, and of an effective denunciation of all forms of violence and injustice.
Grazie infinite per aver pensato e realizzato un Rosario per la pace mondiale. Con la piena partecipazione della mia comunità (Padova – Don Bosco) ho pregato con intensità, commozione, in vera solidarietà. Grazie!
sr Maria Rossi
We joined in praying the Rosary for peace. We will continue to pray. Thanks for fervent rosary conducted and possibility to pray together with the Mother General and the Councilors in Rome, and the people for whom we were praying.
Gracias Madre Chiara por esta unión de instituto todas unidas, con la comunidad educativa para orar por la paz en el mundo. desde venezue, Sor Velia Hajale. Gracias por todo lo que se esta haciendo en diferentes lugares para llevar vida, esperanza y vino nuevo en un mundo sediento de Dios. Unidas en oración.
Desde Vigo (España) nos unimos a la oración por la paz del mundo. Hemos asistido al rosario, preciosa iniciativa que nos une más, si cabe, a todo el Instituto. Seguimos rezando para que la paz sea una realidad que llegue lo antes posible.
Muchísimas gracias por esta iniciativa que nos ha unido en el mundo en oración, sentimientos de solidaridad y sobre todo acercamiento de corazón a las realidades mundiales y locales.
Nosotras al terminar la bella oración del santo rosario continuamos con la Santa Eucaristía poniendo todas esas intenciones. Seguimos comprometidas como comunidades generadoras de vida, esperanza y PAZ.
Merci Mère Chiara et les Conseillères pour cette belle initiative. Marie Reine de la Paix saura intercéder pour nous afin d’obtenir auorès de Jésus ce bon vin de la Paix en abondance pour l’humanité.
Ci siamo sentite unite con tutte le nostre sorelle in questo ROSARIO per intercedere la PACE
quanti paesi soffrono questa mancanza di pace quanta violenzia .
Che bello avere recitato allo stesso tempo con ore differenti questo momento di preghiera
noi a Manaus le 8 del mattino in Italia le 13 del pomeriggio tutte in preghiera.
Maria Regina della PACE intercedi per tutti i popoli!
Querida ir. Chiara, Hoje as 13 horas de Mato Grosso o Colégio Coração de Jesus estará em prece pela paz no mundo e em especial pelas nossas irmãs que estão em terras de conflito. Que o Senhor as proteja. Amém.
Gracias Madre por esta experiencia de Iglesia y de Instituto, gracias por permitirnos unirnos por la paz de todo el mundo, muy linda iniciativa, ojalá se continúe haciendo.
Desde Medellín Comunidad San Juan Bosco Belén, CMM les enviamos un saludo muy especial.
Merci pour ce beau moment de prière