Vatican City. From 21 to 23 February 2022, at Casa Santa Marta, Vatican City, a session of the Council of Cardinals was held, which reflected on the theme of synodality as a process of listening and discernment at the heart of the identity of the Church and the necessary conversion that this it requires of clerics and laity.
The meeting was attended by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and Cardinals Pietro Parolin, Giuseppe Bertello, Óscar A. Rodríguez Maradiaga, SDB, Reinhard Marx, Sean Patrick O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Oswald Gracias, and Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, O.F.M. Cap., with the Secretary of the Council, H.E. Archbishop Marco Mellino.
As reported by the Communiqué of the Holy See Press Office, during the session the Pope and the members of the Council listened to and commented on a report by the Theologian Sr. Linda Pocher, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, Professor of Mariology at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences “Auxilium” of Rome, on the role of women and the ‘Marian principle’ in the Church.
Sr. Linda Pocher comments on the experience lived:
“The meeting with the Pope and with the Council of Cardinals took place in an atmosphere of great familiarity and simplicity. My proposal for an in-depth study on the role of women and on the ‘Marian principle’ in the Church was followed by an open dialogue, respectful and at the same time extremely free. A true experience of mutual listening and synodality”.
In the wake of the Synod “For a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission”, opened by Pope Francis on 10 October 2021, the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians has taken on among the priority choices of the XXIV General Chapter, “missionary synodality as a lifestyle that generates new ways of participation, animation, and governance. In the synodal journey of the Church, we are called as the people of God to live in synergy the diversity of vocations and charisms” (Acts of GCXXIV, p. 37).
Adelante Linda… con corazon pobre, grande, generoso y docibilis como el de Maria. Gracias
Very interesting news! Congratulations Sr. Linda!
Gracias Sor Linda. Viva Jesús. Te agradecemos por este compartir tus conocimientos con el Papa y grandes figuras de nuestra Iglesia. En la PVM Peregrinación Virtual Mornés, tuvimos la dicha de conocerte. Continua sembrando. Bendiciones.
Felicitaciones Sor Linda. Que Dios y María Auxiliadora le bendigan!!!
Cara Suor Linda, congratulazioni per il tuo precioso e profundo contributo nell’incontro con il Papa e il Consiglio cardinalizio, sul ruolo della donna e il principio mariano nella chiesa. Dio ti benedica e continui a darti la saggezza dello Spirito.
Felicitaciones Sor Linda. Que el Espíritu Santo siga abriendo espacios de participación en la iglesia, especialmente a la mujer.
Che bella notizia!!! Sono contenta di questa apertura del Consiglio dei Cardinali e della bella oportunità che sr Linda ha avuto di condividere le sue competenze. Dio benedica la sua missione, cara sr Linda.
Bravissima cara Suor Linda. Grazie per condividere la tua “passione” mariana e cristologica. Preghiamo per te
Viva Gesù Sr Linda! Immagino la tua semplicità, felicità e santità nel trasmettere i messaggi. Ringraziamo Dio per quest’opportunità tramite cui dimostra bene l’ascolto reciproco tra la Chiesa-madre e la voce filiale del nostro Istituto improntato anche dal “principio mariano”. In comunione di preghiera!
Congratulations dear Sr. Linda.