Rome (Italy). In the special edition of the Official Gazette of the French Republic, of 1 January 2021, regarding the Promotion and Appointment to the National Order in the Legion of Honor and in the National Order of Merit, it is reported:

“The appointment of Officier of the Légion d’Honneur is conferred on the Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sister Yvonne Reungoat.”

The motivation for the conferment: “For more than a year now, the entire French population, and that of many countries around the world, has found itself facing the serious health crisis of Covid-19, with great consequences at the humanitarian, educational, and social levels. Many citizens have committed themselves professionally and voluntarily in the fight against the virus, at all levels and in all sectors of activity. ”

The Legion of Honor is the highest honor established after the French Revolution. Currently it rewards, according to different degrees, the eminent merits acquired in service to the Nation.

In July 2012, Mother Yvonne was awarded the Medal of Knight in the National Order of the Legion of Honor.

The FMA Institute is close to Mother General, for the appointment conferred on her by the French Republic, which will have its positive effects not only in France, but throughout the Salesian world committed to transmitting the values of the Gospel to young people.

Official French  Gazette


  1. Ficamos imensamente felizes com o reconhecimento conferido à Madre Yvonne que tem sido ao longo de sua caminhada sal da terra e luz no mundo. Que Deus a conceda sempre saúde e perseverança para continuar o seu trabalho tão importante a toda comunidade Salesiana. (Maria Inês Maranhão- Conselheira Confederal do Brasil)

  2. Happy Birthday dearest Mother Yvonne! Praying for you, asking God to bless you abundantly! Love, Sr. Betty Ann Martinez, FMA – SEC

  3. Kochana Matko
    – dziękuję Bogu za Twoją obecność w Zgromadzeniu. Ty po prostu nas prowadzisz najlepszymi drogami – drogami spełniania Bosej woli . Dziękuję Ci za to . Nich Bóg udzieli Ci mocy swojego Ducha, niech Maryja Wspomożycielka Cię ochrania. A ja dzisiaj specjalnie modlę się za Ciebie . Szczęśliwa FM A sr. Leokadia , Rumia, Polska

  4. Congratulations, our dearest Mother Yvonne, on the Legion of Honour bestowed on you! The good Lord reward you abundantly for the wonderful things you do for us!

  5. Nos unimos a la felicitación por esta hermosa noticia. Celebramos este reconocimiento que representa en su persona todo el bien que se realiza a través de todo el Instituto. Gracias Madre por la animación y gobierno en todos estos años. Reciba un abrazo cariñoso desde la tierra de la beata Sor María Romero, quien mañana celebra su 119 aniversario.

  6. Huancayo..Perú ..!! Con corazón hinchado le decimos felicitaciones Madre Yvonne por esa condecoración en bien de la niñez y la juventud ..¡ Viva Jesús..!

  7. Thank you Mother Yvonne for being a MOTHER to all.
    May our Blessed Mother Mary Help of Christians be your guide.


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