Rome (Italy). The Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, communicates news on the FMA Communities of Ukraine – Kiev, Lviv, and Odessa – and invites the Educating Communities to pray and to initiatives of peace and solidarity.

“From the latest news received from the community animators on 24 February 2022, we know that our sisters are well. They are experiencing the suffering, anxiety, and uncertainty of the population in this dramatic moment of the nation, entrusting everyone to the protection of Mary Help of Christians. They thank the FMA and the Educating Communities of the world for their closeness and prayer.

It seems to me important at this time to support our sisters and the population with some concrete initiatives: praying the Rosary together, with the explicit intention of asking for the gift of peace; the personal and community commitment to live an attitude of peace and benevolence, of reciprocal tolerance and acceptance.

When Don Bosco composed the prayer “O Mary, Host Powerful Virgin”, he called it “the prayer of difficult times”. Faithful to his inspiration, we can invoke with faith the ‘powerful’ intercession of Mary, to free humanity from the danger of wars wherever there are burning fires and help to appreciate and build the priceless gift of peace.

We continue to accompany with affection our sisters from Ukraine and all the other countries where wars and violence are underway”.


  1. Stia tranquilla, cara Madre Chiara, siamo tutte in preghiera x le nostre sorelle! Grazie x la comunicazione dataci! Ti siamo vicine! Suor Elena Pirelli di Torre Annunziata. Buona giornata a tutte voi

  2. We are united with our sisters and people of Ukraine with our prayers. Please Lord of Peace grant them peace and serenity.

  3. Unidas en la oración por la paz en Ucrania y en todos los países del Mundo.

    Comunidad Internacional Sagrada Familia, MMO. México.

  4. La comunidad de Guqranda nos unimos a la oración, estamos muy cercanos, pesimos por la paz para ustedes, que mamita Auxiliadora Vele por su bienestar

  5. Las Damas salesianas de Colombia y Medellín las y los acompañamos de corazón, sabemos lo difícil que es vivir en esta violencia e incertidumbre, solo Dios y María Auxiliadora ,con la oración pueden detener ésta racha diabólica. Gracias por las sugerencias que nos proponen. Estamos con ustedes y el pueblo ucraniano. Abrazos de fortaleza de esperanza y de fe. María Fanny Machado Cartagena dama salesiana medellín.

  6. One with the people of Ukraine as we pray the rosary and invoke our Blessed Mother Help of Christians for her powerful intercession ……

  7. Nuestra oración ferviente por nuestras Hermanas. Las acompañamos en estos momentos especiales. María nuestro Auxilio Potente las proteja. Comunidad de Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras, Centro América.-


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