Lorena (Brazil). On 13 July 2022, the Mayor of the Municipality of Lorraine, Mr. Sylvio Ballerini, together with the Secretary for Economic Development, Mr. Antonio Willians, signed the recognition for the Unifatea Technological Park of Teresa of Avila University Center (UNIFATEA) of Lorraine, San Paolo, Province of Our Lady Aparecida (BAP), for services to the local and regional community, as a contribution to economic development.

The Technological Park was created with the aim of creating synergy between technology, innovation, education, and science at the highest level of knowledge, ensuring involvement in social transformation projects, as well as enhancing the dissemination of an inclusive education of entrepreneurial activities. Its mission is therefore to promote education, science, technology, and innovation, with attention to entrepreneurship and technologies aimed at sustainable development.

The Mayor was welcomed by the Vice Chancellor and creator of the Unifatea Technological Park, Sr. Zenilde Fontes, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians; by the Director of the Technology Park, Prof. Flávia Gabriela; and by the Coordinator of the Masters Program and member of the Park Committee, Prof. Henrique Galvão.

With this signature, the local public authorities recognize the importance of synergistic work between universities, government, businesses, and companies that contribute to the socio-economic development of the municipality of Lorraine and the metropolitan region of Vale do Paraíba:

“We recognize the importance of the project for the province of Lorraine and for the region. We are sure that it will bring good contributions, in favor of the economic development of our city,” said the Mayor.

The Secretary for Economic Development stressed the importance of partnership with the Technology Park, stimulating the development of new projects for businesses and the inclusion of new companies, in addition to the generation of jobs in the city.

“Our goal is to carry out all possible projects, so that the city perceives the positive results, especially those in collaboration with Unifatea,” explained Willians.

During the visit, other projects were also mentioned concerning ongoing formation courses, the Municipal Health Congress, and youth diagnosis projects, which should be implemented in the coming months. In addition, other possibilities of using the Technological Park were discussed, so that it can effectively contribute to the development of the city of Lorraine and of the Region.


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