Rome (Italy). On 5 August  2021, at the FMA Generalate in Rome, seven sisters of the Community of Mary Help of Christians (RCG) celebrated 25 and 50 years of fidelity to the love of God in the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

The celebration of the Anniversaries of Profession  on the day in which the third year of preparation for the 150th anniversary of the Foundation of the Institute begins, takes on a particular connotation that invites Sr. Mojca, Sr. Neida, Sr. Clara, and Sr. Paola,  who celebrate their 25th and  Sr. Maria Angela, Sr. Marie, and Sr. Giuseppina  who celebrate their 50th anniversary,  to “go forward with a big and generous heart” (Mother Mazzarello, L 47).

The opening song of the Eucharistic Celebration, with Liturgy and songs animated by the Community, is an expression of praise and support on the journey of fidelity,  “You are the precious pearl, You are the greatest treasure”.

“I want to tell you a word and the word is joy. Wherever consecrated persons are, there is always joy!” (Pope Francis). These are the words with which the Celebrant, Fr. Mario Oscar Llanos, SDB, began the homily, recalling the joy that fills and accompanies the whole life of those who meet Jesus and choose to follow Him at  the school of Mary Help of Christians, of Don Bosco, and of Mother Mazzarello. This joy comes from the certainty of feeling deeply loved by God. “Today the Lord says to each of the Jubilee Sisters, and also to all of us, look deep into your heart and acknowledge like Mary, ‘the Lord has done great things in me, because He looked at the humility of His servant’.”

With trust and emotion, the Jubilarians pronounced the formula of consecration to God the Father, renewing the commitment to an ever more conscious and joyful fidelity and thanking for the call to follow Christ more closely in order to be a gift to young people. The Sisters of the Community then renewed their vows in communion with all the FMA of the Institute.

The Vicar General, Sr. Chiara Cazzuola, gave each of the FMA Jubilarians a lighted lamp, a sign of faithful vigilance, with the wish that it may “always burn before the Lord in perennial thanksgiving“.


  1. Tanti auguri a voi tutte, specialmente per Sr. Mojca! Possa il Signore continuare a benedire la vostra vita e missione.

  2. Tanti auguri a voi tutte, in particolare a Sr.Mojca, Sr.Neida, Sr.Paola e Sr.Clara!!! Che possiate andare avanti con cuore grande e generoso nella vostra missione attuale! In comunione di preghiera.


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