Rome (Italy). On 2 December 2023, Sister María Esther Posada, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians of the Colombian Province O. L. of the Snow (CBN), who gave so much to the Institute by deepening the sources of the Charism and passionately transmitting Mornesian spirituality, ended her earthly journey. This is the remembrance of Sister Piera Cavaglià, former Secretary General of the FMA Institute.

“A complex personality, multifaceted, rich as a symphony formed by various different instruments and rhythms. She herself had a realistic vision of herself: a woman with a strong temperament, often with immediate reactions, more theoretical than practical. She recognized with sincerity that humility and obedience were difficult for her.

Born in Colombia in El Socorro, Santander, on 3 May 1936, as a girl she liked to play the piano, sing, and dance. She did very well in her studies. A pretty teenager and open to friendship, she had many dreams. She wanted to become a journalist, pilot, researcher in the historical or literary field, but absolutely did not want to be a teacher like her aunts, all teachers. Open to culture, she was driven by a constant attitude of research, deepening, interiority. Here we highlight above all her relationship with Mother Mazzarello and her contribution in making her known and loved by so many people.

In the years pervaded by the renewal of the Second Vatican Council, she had attended university studies in Rome and began teaching at the Pontifical Faculty of the Science of Education “Auxilium” since 1969. She was assigned among others, to the courses: Salesian Sources and Don Bosco and Mary Mazzarello in the history of the Spirituality of the 800’s in Italy.

With her wealth of intelligence, creativity, and her love for the Co-foundress, she knew how to contagion her students and later many other sisters and also Salesians of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) to whom she also gave lectures on Mother Mazzarello.

She initially dedicated herself to the collection and publication of the letters of St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello which came out in 1975 with the preface of Card. Gabriel Marie Garrone. She wrote a long introduction to facilitate the reading of the Letters in the context of a historical-spiritual setting and understand the message of life. She diligently wrote the historical notes for each letter.

In 1981, in her doctoral thesis at the Teresianum in Rome, she deepened the historical-spiritual relationship between Giuseppe Frassinetti and Mary D. Mazzarello. She continued over the years to re-read her life and the specific charismatic contribution given to the Institute with the love of a daughter and the seriousness of a researcher.

It can be said that Mornese was her second ‘home’. She wrote, “Mornese is the clearest, most beautiful, and genuine memory I carry with me of my stay in the Country of our Founders. There, I lived, I wrote, I composed songs and poems. There I opened my spirit to contemplation, work, joy, simplicity, and sacrifice. Mornese has forged me as a Salesian! How many meetings, how many walks, how many courses, how many Spiritual Exercises! Mornese is a unique experience and almost impossible to communicate, just as mystery is incommunicable.”

When we think of Sister Maria Esther, we immediately think of Mother Mazzarello. It is a spontaneous association because, in spite of the difference of culture, of language, of formation, there was the soul’s harmony between them that aroused wonder. Over the years, Sister Maria Esther cultivated this harmony, transforming it into a serious study always pervaded by a typical spiritual inspiration, never banal or repetitive.

This is demonstrated by the care she devoted to the next four editions of the Letters of Mary D. Mazzarello, always deepening the introduction to the text and the notes to each letter.

Among the aspects of Mary Mazzarello that Sister Maria Esther deepened in conferences or in various publications are remembered: her spiritual realism, her charism of spiritual direction, the dimension of femininity, her itinerary of prayer, Christocentric spirituality, her contribution to the foundation of the Institute and the significance of the title of Co-founder.

On the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mary D. Mazzarello (1987), she edited the publication “Current because true”, involving the various teachers of the “Auxilium” Faculty, thus offering an interdisciplinary contribution to the in-depth study of the figure and mission of Mother Mazzarello.

Her joy was to note that the Biennial Course of Spirituality of the FMA Institute, established in Turin in 1976 by Mother Ersilia Canta at our “Auxilium” Faculty was appreciated by all the Provinces that sent young or not so young sisters to attend it every year. Sister Maria Esther considered it an important and irreplaceable way of communion in the Institute because it strengthens the sense of belonging, fidelity to the Salesian religious vocation, and effectiveness in the educational mission.

The witness of a consecrated woman and a scholar competent in the field of spiritual theology was also appreciated by other religious Institutes that consulted her and valued her rich experience of culture and of life.

In 2006, the Faculty granted her emeritus and on 24 March 2008, Sister Maria Esther returned to Colombia, Bogota, where for as long as she could, she continued to radiate knowledge of the Charism and love for Mother Mazzarello as a member of the provincial formation team. She also offered a valuable contribution at an inter-provincial level in the Meetings of the Inter-Provincial Conference of the Bolivarian Nations (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela).

Sister Maria Esther had begun teaching in the “Auxilium” Faculty on 7 October 1969 and, rich in experience, ended her long career as a Professor in serenity and peace. She wrote to a sister on 16 December 2016, from St. Mary D. Mazzarello Nursing Home in Bogota, “I am happy here and I await the Lord’s second coming.” He came to call her on 2 December 2023, and certainly Mother Mazzarello was waiting for her at the door of Paradise.”


  1. A querida Ir. Maria Ester Posada foi para nós, suas alunas, a figura viva de madre Mazzarello, compartilhando o conhecimento, a admiração, o amor ao carisma.
    A ela, um GRAZIE maior quando nos encontrarmos no céu!

  2. Sor María Esther una gran mujer salesiana, una verdadera Amiga! Nos encontramos en Madre Mazzarello, en Madre Rosetta, y en el mismo lema de vida: recuerdos imborrables, agradecidos, esenciales.

  3. Hermoso el retrato que ha hecho sor Piera. También tuve la dicha de compartir con ella. Cuando me escribía terminaba diciéndome, siempre hermana.


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