Rome (Italy). On 17 September 2021, the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians celebrates the Official Opening of the XXIV General Chapter which takes place from 11 September to 24 October 2021 at Mary Help of Christians Generalate in Rome.

The Chapter is an experience of faith and discernment to listen to the calls of God present in the today of history and to build with the young  communities that generate life in the heart of contemporaneity.

The event will be broadcast in Live Streaming on the institutional channels:




May the XXIV General Chapter be a fruitful time of life and hope for young people of the whole world.

Write a message to the Chapter participants, in the box below: Comment


  1. A Lei Madre carissima Madre Yvonne e a tutte le sorelle capitolari, un augurio!! Preghiamo per voi ogni giorno perche lo Spirito Santo vi illumini sempre ogni momento in questo celebrazione del CG e MA vi protegga sempre perche abbiate il buon salute per i lavori che vi attende.

  2. Rendons gloire à Dieu seul qui nous accompagne toujours et partout avec Marie Auxiliatrice notre maman, merci beaucoup ,merci Mère Générale pour votre disponibilité et votre coeur de mère.

  3. Dear Mother General and all the Sisters at Chapter,
    Prayerful wishes for the success of the General Chapter XXIV.
    Sr. Anna Thayil community at Puthiyathura
    Trivandrum, Kerala, INK Province

  4. All the best to all the chapter members. May the Holy Spirit guide you and may Mother Mary accompany you. Prayers are assured

  5. Rivolgiamo al C.G XXIV. Tanti auguri Madre e tutte le capitolari. preghiamo perche’ il C.G porti tanti frutti dello Spirito Santo.

  6. Merci Mère Générale, merci à nos sœurs Capitulaires, que la vierge notre Mère Auxiliatrice vous assiste pendant ces assises du Chapitre, qu’ensemble nous puissions chanter le magnificat avec notre Mère. Que vive Don Bosco, que vive Mère Mazzarello que vive les FMA du monde entier.
    Sœur Nathalie Omari ( FMA RDCongo) Communauté Saint Jean Bosco Kinshasa.


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