Rome (Italy). The Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sr. Yvonne Reungoat, with Circular No. 1008 of 30 April 2021, makes public the renewed Convocation of General Chapter XXIV.

The Mother General of the FMA Institute, in February 2019, announced the beginning of General Chapter XXIV in Rome at the Generalate on 18 September 2020 (Circular no. 985). On 31 May  2020, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, she communicated a new Convocation for the beginning of General Chapter XXIV in Rome at the Generalate on 17 April  2021, “Together, we will try to immerse ourselves in the ‘heart of contemporaneity’ by listening to reality through a believer’s reading of the situation to understand what the Holy Spirit is telling us today and how we can, with His help, think about the future with faith and hope.” (Circular no. 998)

In this time of great precariousness, we are urged more than ever to place our trust in the One who does not abandon us and is with us every day as a presence of love, wisdom, and perennial newness. After the discernment matured with the General Councilors, and taking into account the information gathered on the course of the pandemic in the world, Mother officially convenes General Chapter XXIV, in accordance with article 138 of the Constitutions of the Institute.

General Chapter XXIV will begin in the FMA Generalate in Roma, on 17 September 2021.

Listening to the current reality full of challenges and unprecedented opportunities, Mother confirms the choice of the theme “Do whatever He tells you” (Jn 2:5). Communities that generate life in the heart of contemporaneity with the aim of awakening the original freshness of the Institute’s vocational fruitfulness.

Mother Yvonne Reungoat asks to continue the prayer for the Chapter as indicated in the Circular of Convocation no. 985, invoking with renewed confidence the protection of Mary Help of Christians and asking St. Joseph to help us prepare our heart for the Chapter event.

The Holy Rosary of the month of May is an opportunity to intensify shared prayer, capable of arousing trust and hope. “May we all feel we are a living part of a great network of supplication, so that the Lord makes us understand His will and makes us docile to His calls for the good of the Institute, of the young people He entrusts to us.”

Circular no. 1008


  1. Grazie Madre per la buona notizia. Continuiamo a pregare per la guida dello Spirito Santo e l’aiuto di Maria.

  2. Gracias Madre Yvonne. Con gratitud al Señor y a la Stma. Virgen Auxiliadora renovamos nuestro compromiso de oración por usted y por todas las Capitulares. El Espíritu Santo les asista.

    Comunidad Santurce, Puerto Rico, Antillas

  3. Obrigada Madre por uma das notícias mais esperadas! Intensificaremos nossas orações e preces, por intercessão de nossa Mãe e Mestra Auxiliadora, que conduzirá todas coisas da melhor forma possível. Diz um escritor brasileiro, Fernando Sabino ” no fim tudo dá certo…”. Imaginemos quando as colocamos no coração de Deus!

  4. Gracias Madre. Hemos orado incesantemente por el Capítulo General XIV y continuaremos orando. Indudablemente es el tiempo de Dios y el Espíritu Santo se manifestará con su fuerza y su gracia, sobre usted y cada una de las Hermanas Capitulares.

  5. Volentieri uniamo la nostra preghiera perché per la realizzazione del Capitolo e che tutto avvenga nella volontà volontà di Dio e per il bene di tanti giovani e tante giovani.

  6. Me ha dado mucha alegría y agradezco al Señor la Decisión tomada por la Madre y el Consejo. Es la hora de Dios para el Instituto. Unidas en la oración a María y San José. S. Luz Consuelo Estrella

  7. Damos gracias a Dios por la nueva convocatoria y confiamos a María el trabajo capitular poniendonos a la escucha del Maestro para hacer lo que Él nos diga.

  8. GRAZIE, Madre. Qui a Belo Horizonte, la nostra comunità ringrazia il Signore per questo annuncio e si impegna a pregare Maria Ausiliatrice e il Rosario perché il CG XXIV sia un segno nella storia del nostro Istituto, per un futuro pieno di vita e di speranza. Un grande abbraccio.

  9. Le FMA dell’Ispettoria “Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe”, MME. ci uniamo un preghiera per la prossima celebrazione del CG XXIV. Chiediamo il dono dello Spirito e affidiamo l’Istituto alla Madonna di Guadalupe.
    Sor Margarita Chavarría Primavera


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